Sistema de Dirección Estratégica 2023-2030 - SDE CRUCH 2030
Septiembre de 2023

Lineamientos para establecer una Política de Igualdad de Género en las universidades del Consejo de Rectoras y Rectores (CRUCH)
Agosto de 2022

La Universidad de la Educación virtual a la Universidad presencial. Una mirada desde la Comisión de Vicerrectores Académicos de 2020
Enero de 2022

Guidelines for a Progressive and Safe Academic Return Commission of Academic Vice-Rectors (CoVRA) of the Universities of the Council of Rectors
June 2020

Guidelines to ensure the quality of distance education in an emergency situation due to COVID-19
June 2020
Documentos Ex sistema de Admisión CRUCH
Series of five study documents carried out by the Technical Advisory Committee (CTA) of the Council of Rectors, related to the University Selection Tests (PSU) and the Admission Process to Chilean Universities.

Scholarships for Academic Excellence and Relative Performance of the beneficiaries in the First Year at CRUCH Universities
September 2010

Results of the connection between the 2006 SIMCE Test and 2009 PSU Admission
September 2010

Scale Alignment Procedures for the Science Test
September 2010

Results of the Application of University Selection Tests 2006-2010
September 2010

Differential validity and predictivity bias of the Chilean University Admission Tests
September 2010
Estudios e informes

Consideraciones para la implementación de una Prueba de Escritura en Educación Superior: ¿por qué, cómo y para qué evaluar?
Febrero 2021

Analysis of the Mathematics University Selection Test (PSUM)
Agosto 2019

First report of the Committee of Experts of the Single Admission System

Building Synergies
October 2014