The CRUCH insisted that it is necessary to open a new discussion on the curricular bases approved by the CNED. "We believe that a bad decision has been made and that a serious threat to the educational system is underway," said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors, Aldo Valle.
Regarding Gratuity, the rectors reiterated that it is necessary to correct the design of this policy, so that it covers beyond the formal duration of the careers.
The change in the Curricular Bases for III and IV Middle and the problems of design of the Gratuity policy marked the session N ° 607 of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), which on this occasion was held in dependencies of the U. de Atacama, in Copiapó.
En la ocasión, el pleno del CRUCH revisó el informe elaborado por una comisión especial que analizó la propuesta curricular que aprobó el Consejo Nacional de Educación (CNED) y que el Ministerio de Educación pretende implementar desde 2020. El vicepresidente ejecutivo del Consejo de Rectores, Aldo Valle, sostuvo que es necesario que el MINEDUC posponga la entrada en vigencia de las bases curriculares, abriendo espacio para una discusión más amplia y asegurando la posibilidad de que quienes tengan que poner en marcha el nuevo currículo puedan prepararse para ello.
“No estamos de acuerdo con que las asignaturas de Historia, Educación Física y Artes pasen a tener el carácter de optativo en tercero y cuarto medio. Tampoco estamos de acuerdo con que el plan común de formación haya sido reducido de 19 a 14 horas. Nos parece que eso amenaza la solidez del proceso formativo del sistema escolar”, aseguró el rector Valle, quien afirmó que el CRUCH comunicará formalmente al MINEDUC este planteamiento, que sugerirá además aumentar el plan común a 18 horas.
Rector Valle added that “we want to send a message to our university communities, the school system, and the professors of Chile. We believe that a bad decision has been made, that the fundamentals are insufficient, and that ultimately, a serious threat to the Chilean educational system is underway ”.
The report reviewed by the CRUCH plenary session was prepared by a commission agreed upon in the June session and which was made up of the rectors Jaime Espinosa, from the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences; Eduardo Silva, from the Alberto Hurtado University and Diego Durán, from the Maule Catholic University; together with the president of the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Education of the National Council of Rectors (CONFAUCE) and dean of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University, Lorena Medina.
In this regard, Dean Medina assured that "we fully agree with the underlying idea of this curriculum and that it has a flexible structure for third and fourth half, which means that finally the Scientific-Humanist, Technical-Professional and Artistic have a common plan, which allows more equity when accessing higher education ”.
Medina added that "we would like to be able to discuss again what we want for the common plan and for the differentiated plan."
Free coverage extension
Otro de los temas abordados en la sesión del Consejo de Rectores fueron los problemas en el diseño de la Gratuidad.
Al respecto, el rector Valle reiteró que es necesario que la cobertura de este beneficio se extienda un 20% más de la duración formal de las carreras, considerando que esa extensión se ajusta a la realidad de los países de la OCDE, en los que -en promedio- los y las estudiantes terminan los programas excediendo la duración formal en ese rango de tiempo.
“What Law No. 21,091 is doing today is asking us to advance the effective duration of careers to the averages shown by the OECD countries. There is a defective design in the Gratuity policy, because it requires that students conclude their careers in the formal period of time, as if they all arrived in higher education under the same conditions and the truth is that Chile has one of the systems more segregated and segregating educational institutions, ”explained Valle.
The rector added that “it is students from the first six deciles who suffer the most from the consequences of this asymmetry in the quality standards of the school system. In that sense, it seems to us that the best thing is to consider an additional and limited time 20%, with respect to these students ”.
PSUM analysis
The session also reviewed an analysis of the Mathematics University Selection Test (PSUM), prepared by the Single Admission System (SUA) of the CRUCH.
Aldo Valle explained that this document will be made available to the SUA Committee of Experts, the Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration (DEMRE) of the University of Chile and the new Access System, which is administered by the Undersecretariat of Education Superior of MINEDUC.
“Queremos contribuir a que haya más elementos de juicio, y que, en definitiva, cuando el sistema de Acceso universitario se halle plenamente en funciones, pueda hacer propuestas con los mayores fundamentos y, la mayor información. Esa es nuestra tarea ahora que ya está vigente la Ley N° 21.091, que constituye una nueva institucionalidad para el Sistema de Admisión”, aseguró la autoridad del CRUCH.
The president of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA), Hernán Burdiles, also participated in this meeting.