The executive vice president of CRUCH, Aldo Valle, explained that the study houses are working internally to reschedule the closing of the second semester of the 2019 academic year.
Regarding the admission process, the rector Valle ratified that the PSUs will be given on January 6 and 7, 2020 and reiterated that the change of date seeks to “give the greatest guarantee so that applicants can take this test in a climate of greater certainty and confidence ”.
"All of our universities are in a situation of reprogramming academic calendars," explained the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), Aldo Valle, regarding the current situation of the 29 institutions that make up the group.
This topic was addressed in session No. 609 of the Council of Rectors, which was held at the Vitacura Campus of the Federico Santa María Technical University, in Santiago. On the occasion, the rector Valle explained that "most of the universities do not have undergraduate teaching," so the houses of study are rescheduling the closing of the second semester of the 2019 academic year.
“To the extent that the enrollment programs for the first year will be held in the first half of March, it will allow the enrollment of former students to be deferred as well. Consequently, there is a margin in March to close the teaching or evaluative processes of the second semester, ”said Valle.
Along the same lines, the CRUCH authority indicated that “what is in operation in the case of training in the Health area, which is carried out in clinical campuses, because there are obligations regarding health services. Also the postgraduate programs, which are sometimes partially altered by unforeseen situations such as locomotion or the conditions to access university campuses ”.
2020 Admission Process Calendar
In the November session, the Council ratified the new dates for the surrender of the University Selection Tests (PSU), which will take place on January 6 and 7, 2020, as announced on November 14.
Al respecto, el rector Valle reiteró los criterios que consideraron el CRUCH, el Ministerio de Educación y el Departamento de Evaluación, Medición y Registro Educacional (DEMRE) de la U. de Chile para aplazar la rendición de las pruebas.
“Siempre hemos expresado que queremos dar la mayor garantía para que los y las postulantes puedan rendir las PSU en un clima de mayor certidumbre y confianza”, sostuvo el vicepresidente ejecutivo del CRUCH. Valle explicó que “toda la operación logística ya está lograda, consolidada, de modo que no va a haber ningún cambio respecto a los días de rendición de las PSU, que tiene una cobertura de más de 650 locales de rendición y que son miles de estudiantes que van a rendir la prueba, porque ya están inscritos y se están preparando”.
El rector de la U. de Valparaíso agregó que el CRUCH, a través del Sistema Único de Admisión (SUA), en conjunto con MINEDUC y DEMRE, están evaluando la fecha de entrega de los puntajes de las PSU y la etapa de postulaciones a las 41 instituciones que participan en el SUA. “Hablamos de ajustar la entrega de los resultados con los procesos institucionales, para atender las necesidades que tienen las universidades con sus calendarios académicos, para conciliar el funcionamiento de estas y la seguridad y la confianza con la que debemos entregar los resultados”.
En este escenario, la autoridad del Consejo de Rectores sostuvo que el proceso de matrícula para el año académico 2020 se desarrollará durante la primera quincena de marzo.
Position on the use of pellets
In another area, the rector Valle was consulted about the use of pellets by the Carabineros during public demonstrations. In this context, he stated that the Council of Rectors has publicly demanded that the authorities cease the use of these elements and that several university authorities have filed protection appeals in the country's courts of appeal, with the same objective.
The executive vice president of CRUCH stated that “what corresponds, in our opinion, is that the competent authority adopt the measures to ensure that police protocols are legally and reliably complied with; but also that prohibitions be established regarding the use of these pellets in particular, because they have not been effective in controlling public order and because regarding peaceful protest, the role of the police is to contain and dissuade and in no case to attack or punish those who disagree or protest, also making use of a right recognized in the Constitution ".
The November session of the Council of Rectors had the participation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Hernán Larraín, who spoke before the plenary session on Project + R: Greater Reintegration, Greater Security, through which it seeks to encourage social reintegration of people who have been deprived of liberty. In this sense, the CRUCH and this portfolio will develop an agreement to carry out initiatives in this area, linked to higher education.
También estuvo presente el subsecretario de Educación Superior, Juan Eduardo Vargas, quien se refirió al proceso de postulación a Beneficios Estudiantiles del MINEDUC y a acuerdos logrados en el proyecto de ley de Presupuesto 2020 referidos a educación superior. En el encuentro expuso además la presidenta del Consejo de Decanos de las Facultades de Educación del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONFAUCE), la decana de Educación de la U. Católica de Chile, Lorena Medina, quien analizó aspectos vinculados a la formación en Pedagogía.