Doctorado en estudios interdisciplinarios sobre pensamiento, cultura y sociedad

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  • Doctorado en estudios interdisciplinarios sobre pensamiento, cultura y sociedad

social Sciences


Other Social Sciences

Universidad de Valparaíso

University of Valparaíso

  • City: Valparaíso,
  • Commune: Valparaíso,
  • Region: V Region of Valparaíso

To train researchers capable of addressing in an interdisciplinary way the study problems associated with the lines of research defined as priorities: Political culture, memory and human rights; Political ecology, feminisms and postcoloniality; Languages, cultures and fictions; Artistic research. This doctorate has a novel pedagogical perspective that considers the activity of research as a trade and that aims at the production of situated knowledge, based on a collective and collaborative activity. The program structure is flexible and focused on meaningful learning.

Applicant Profile

To apply to the program, it is necessary to be in possession of a Bachelor's or Master's degree awarded by an accredited Chilean or foreign university. The registration of interest must be carried out through the institutional computer systems of the Postgraduate and Postgraduate Directorate, within the deadlines established in the calls. Once the interested party is registered, the steps to follow for their application will be indicated. Each call will indicate the number of vacancies for the application process, as well as the lines of research that are being developed.

Graduate profile

DEI-UV graduates are expected to have the ability to join interdisciplinary work teams, the ability to critically analyze the theoretical production and the methodological design of other research, the ability to develop research autonomously, and the ability to socialize the results of their research. and adequately transmit their learning experience, as well as interest in developing their research work linked to the needs of the communities of which they are part, assuming an ethical commitment to their social well-being.

Lines of investigation

1. Political culture, memory and human rights.
2. Political ecology, feminisms and postcoloniality.
3. Languages, cultures and fictions.
4. Artistic research.