Agricultural science
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
University of Concepcion
- City: Chillán,
- Commune: Chillán,
- Region: Ñuble
General objective:
Train doctors with competencies to autonomously develop research, innovation and communicate relevant scientific work in the field of Agronomic Sciences with emphasis on the areas of Plant Production, Soil Sciences and Natural Resources, in a context of climate change and food security to through the approach of sustainable and socially responsible solutions to problems in the sector.
Specific objective:
- To train researchers who work autonomously in the generation and communication of knowledge and / or resolution of scientific or technological problems on topics related to Agronomic Sciences.
- Train PhDs in Agronomic Sciences with emphasis in the areas of Production, Plant Protection, Soil Sciences and Natural Resources in a context of climate change and food security.
- Promote the necessary skills to develop multidisciplinary research in agronomic sciences with other sciences or areas of knowledge both nationally and internationally.
- Encourage the application of science and technology that promotes sustainability for solving problems in Agronomic Sciences, within the framework of clean development and responsible use of natural resources.
- Promote the value component in the scientific actions of doctoral students, within the framework of new emerging social and environmental demands in the national and international agricultural sector.
Applicant Profile
The applicant must have a solid preparation of basic sciences oriented towards the Sciences of Agronomy with knowledge that contributes to the production of food in a sustainable and safe and environmentally friendly way. Motivation and skills to learn in an environment consistent with doctoral studies, ability to communicate effectively and willingness to join multidisciplinary work groups. It is desirable that the student enters with an intermediate level of knowledge of the English language for the correct performance within the program.
Graduate profile
The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Agronomy Sciences will have the competencies to develop independent research, innovation and effective communication in the area of agronomic sciences, from initial observation to obtaining results and their analysis, providing new knowledge and scientific development- technology in sustainable production.
Lines of investigation
- Vegetable Production
- Soil Sciences