Doctorado en ingeniería biológica y médica

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  • Doctorado en ingeniería biológica y médica




Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Campus San Joaquín)

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (San Joaquín Campus)

  • City: Macul,
  • Commune: Santiago,
  • Region: Metropolitan Region

The main objective of the Program is to train human capital that is capable of generating new knowledge and technology at the interface between Engineering, Biology and Medicine. The Program will also contribute to promoting the transfer of technology to society, through the development of research during the program, and later the incorporation of new graduate doctors in academia, industry, or through innovative technological ventures.

Applicant Profile

Applicants must have a university degree or bachelor's degree in areas related to Biological Sciences, Medicine or Engineering, and have an International certification of English level (ALTE 3 or B2) (*). Likewise, they must show great interest in intercession between these disciplines.

Graduate profile

Graduates of the Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering must be able to:

Make an original and independent contribution in their field of study and identify and develop new lines of research with high academic and social impact.
Develop and implement solutions to complex problems that require the simultaneous application of interdisciplinary knowledge provided by Engineering, Medicine and Biology, based on their solid scientific and technological training.
Promote the transfer of technology to society through research generated in industry, academia, or through technological and innovative undertakings.
Participate and lead interdisciplinary and international research groups.
Discuss and defend current research areas with critical and analytical capacity and communicate the contributions of your research effectively orally and in writing in English to the scientific community and to the whole of society.
Develop research and professional work in the interdisciplinary field of Biological and Medical Engineering and its interaction with society and the environment with ethical responsibility.

Lines of investigation

Biomedical imaging

Cellular and molecular engineering

Tissue engineering

Quantitative physiology
