La decisión se tomó en el contexto de la entrega de los resultados de las Pruebas de Selección Universitaria del Proceso de Admisión 2019, luego que se advirtiera una falla técnica en la página de postulación del sitio web del DEMRE.
“As the Council of Rectors, we want to give peace of mind and confidence to all those who wish to apply to the universities of the Single Admission System and, considering the interruption and instability that the DEMRE application platform has presented today, it has been resolved to extend the term until today Monday, December 31 at 6:00 p.m. In this way, the loss of this Wednesday will be compensated with another full business day ”, said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors, Aldo Valle.
The decision was announced this morning in the context of the delivery of the results of the University Selection Tests of the Admission Process 2019, after a technical failure was noticed in the application page of the DEMRE website, which it prevented the normal access of the students.
The purpose of this measure is that applicants do not see their opportunities diminished due to this failure.
"It is important for students to remember that their applications to the 41 SUA universities do not depend on the moment in which they are made, that is, they can do them on the first or last day and they will have the same possibilities," added Rector Valle.
Finally, the executive vice president of CRUCH stated that the University of Chile, on which DEMRE depends, "has committed its best professionals from the Information Technology and Communications Services Directorate (DSTI) to resolve this situation as soon as possible" .