The main results 2018 of the National Survey of Evaluation of Student Engagement (ENCE), in which more than 7 thousand students from universities of the Council of Rectors participated, will be analyzed this Friday, May 10 in the context of the international seminar “Student Engagement and Promotion of University Training ”.
The ENCE survey, which was applied as a pilot in 2017, assesses 9 dimensions, which respond to four macro areas associated with the student experience: Academic challenge, Learning with peers, Experience with teachers and University environment.
Este viernes 10 de mayo tendrá lugar el Seminario Internacional “Compromiso Estudiantil y Promoción de la Formación Universitaria”, que patrocina el Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas (CRUCH) y organizan las universidades que participan en el proyecto “Evaluación del Compromiso Estudiantil y Uso de Evidencias para el Mejoramiento de la Educación Superior”.
Dr. Alexander McCormick, Director of the National Survey of Student Engagement at the Center for Postsecondary Research, and Dr. Judith. A. Ouimet, Senior Assistant Vice Provost in Curricular Development and Assessment.
The activity also has the participation of researchers from the Millennium Nucleus of Experiences of Higher Education Students, NMEdSup. The event will address the notion of student engagement in higher education, as well as its main developments and challenges at the international level. Likewise, the main results of the 2018 application of the National Survey of Student Engagement will be presented, and the scope and use of the information for quality management purposes will be discussed.
Last year the survey was applied to students from the five CRUCH universities participating in the initiative: the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Universidad de Chile, the Universidad de Valparaíso, the Universidad de Playa Ancha and the Universidad Católica de Temuco. In total, 7,383 students from the 2018 cohort (first year) and from the 2015 cohort (fourth year) answered the questionnaire, who are pursuing professional and / or undergraduate careers in the areas of Administration and Commerce; Agricultural; Art and Architecture; Sciences; Social Sciences; Right; Education; General studies; Humanities; Health; and Technology.
The 2019 version of ENCE will be applied during the second semester in 10 universities, since this year the University of Aysén, the Catholic University of Santísima Concepción, the University of Talca, the Metropolitan Technological University and the University of La Frontera joined.
This project, which has been sponsored by the Council of Rectors since 2018, seeks to expand the participation of CRUCH institutions and promote the exchange of information and good practices between them.
Student and learning experience
ENCE is an instrument inspired by the model developed by the Center for Research in Higher Education of the University of Indiana, United States (National Survey for Student Engagement, NSSE) and that has been used and adapted to the reality of various countries.
In 2017, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, the University of Chile and the University of Valparaíso, within the framework of the project initiative "Evaluation of Student Engagement and Use of Evidence for the Improvement of Higher Education", carried out a pilot project of adjustment and cognitive and statistical validation of NSSE, to adequately collect the characteristics of the experience of undergraduate students in our local context.
That year it was determined to apply the instrument to students of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Nursing, Commercial Engineering, Psychology and Design of the institutions already mentioned. Valid responses were obtained from 871 students from the 2017 cohort (first year) and from the 2014 cohort (fourth year).
In 2018, the three pioneering schools were joined by the University of Playa Ancha and the Catholic University of Temuco. Meanwhile, the 2018 questionnaire included 90 Items (questions) and considered 9 evaluation dimensions, which respond to four macro areas that cover aspects associated with the student experience and learning, such as: Academic challenge, Learning with peers, Experience with teachers , and University environment. Each of the dimensions was made up of between 3 and up to 9 specific questions.
On the other hand, it collected descriptive information on the personal and socioeconomic characterization of the students, together with information on academic results and their perceptions about the use of time, expectations and achievements.
The questionnaire also collected evidence on certain practices considered "High Impact", because they improve student engagement and, consequently, promote better academic results and a greater appreciation of university life. These consider professional practices, student participation, study groups, research collaboration and exchanges, among others.
The International Seminar "Student Engagement and Promotion of University Education" will take place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism University of Chile, located in Portugal 84, Santiago. There will be a simultaneous English-Spanish translation service.