The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, announced that next Monday, June 3 at 9:00 am, the registration period for the University Selection Tests (PSU) will begin.
This year, the tests will be given on November 18 and 19, and the results will be announced in mid-December.
The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, announced that next Monday, June 3 at 9:00 a.m. the enrollment stage for the University Selection Tests (PSU) will begin and invited the students to review the documents official "Rules, Registration and Important Aspects of the Admission Process" and, "Preliminary List of Careers and Weightings", published today.
The announcement coincided with the monthly session of the Council of Rectors in Concepción, organized jointly by the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, the Universidad del Bío-Bío, and the Universidad de Concepción. In this context, the rector Valle stressed that “it is essential that applicants read the text of the process rules and review the preliminary offer of races, so that they have the necessary information that allows them to define in which tests to register, according to their interests and motivations ”.
The standards document details each of the relevant stages and dates of the process, describes the characteristics of the three selection factors (PSU, Secondary Education Notes and Grade Ranking), and specifies the rights and duties of those who participate in the process.
Meanwhile, in the preliminary offer, the 41 universities that participate in the Single Admission System of the CRUCH (29 of the Council of Rectors and 12 private universities), make known the careers and requirements of each one.
Enrollment stage
The registration period to take the PSU begins next Monday, June 3 and ends on August 2, that is, the students will have a term of more than two months.
Registration, which this year has a value of $32,700, must be done via the internet through the website of DEMRE (Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration), the body in charge of administering the process. It should be remembered that the students belonging to the promotion of the year of subsidized municipal and private establishments can access the PSU Scholarship granted by the JUNAEB (National Board of School Aid and Scholarships).
To do this, “when registering, the student completes a single form. In the event that you meet the requirements established by JUNAEB to grant the PSU Scholarship, you will know it automatically at the end of the operation ”, explained María Elena González, director of the Single Admission System and General Secretary of CRUCH.
Other relevant dates
As announced by the Council of Rectors in March, this year the rendering of the tests will be brought forward by one week to Monday, November 18 and Tuesday, November 19. Thus, on the first day at 9:00 a.m. the Language and Communication test will be taken and, at 2:30 p.m., the Science test. Meanwhile, on Tuesday, November 19 at 9:00 a.m., the Mathematics test will be taken and, at 2:30 p.m., the History, Geography and Social Sciences test.
El reconocimiento de salas será el domingo 17 de noviembre entre las 17:00 y 19:00 horas. Posteriormente, el miércoles 18 de diciembre a las 8:00 horas, se darán a conocer los puntajes de las pruebas PSU y una hora más tarde los y las estudiantes podrán comenzar a postular a las 41 universidades del Sistema Único de Admisión. El plazo de postulación se extenderá hasta el domingo 22 de diciembre a las 13:00 horas.
The results of the applications will be available from Tuesday, January 7 at 12:00 hours and the first stage of enrollment will take place between Wednesday, January 8 and Friday, January 10, 2020. The process concludes with the second stage registration, which will be between Saturday 11 and Friday 17 January 2020.
*Documentos oficiales del Proceso de Admisión 2020:
Normas, Inscripción y Aspectos Importantes del Proceso de Admisión
Nómina Preliminar de Carreras y Ponderaciones