The rector Aldo Valle assured that those who were affected by the suspension of local application of the University Selection Tests "are our main concern" and that the full CRUCH will meet on Thursday, January 9 to define the courses of action that will be applied in these cases.
The authority of the Council of Rectors valued that more than 85% of the universe summoned for the Admission Process 2020 managed to advance in the rendering of tests this Monday and assured that the measures will be reinforced to avoid disturbances during tomorrow Tuesday.
The executive vice-president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), Aldo Valle, regretted the incidents that caused the suspension of 86 places of application of the University Selection Tests (PSU) -of a total of 729-, during the first day of rendering of these evaluations.
The rector Valle expressed solidarity with the applicants who were affected by this measure and assured that "they are our main concern, because they could not exercise their right to take the Language and Communication and Science tests, due to impediments from third parties."
According to the balance of the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registration (DEMRE) of the University of Chile, during the morning of this Monday the application of the PSU of Language and Communication was suspended in 67 schools; while in the afternoon another 19 campuses were suspended, where the optional science exam could not be applied.
The total of these establishments will suspend this Tuesday the taking of the PSU of Mathematics and History, Geography and Social Sciences. The director of DEMRE, Leonor Varas, explained that "this has already been reported to the applicants, to whom an email was sent explaining the situation and that the process will be resumed."
Meanwhile, the rector Valle stated that in the CRUCH session on Thursday, January 9, the plenary session of rectors will evaluate the courses of action and measures that will be taken so that those affected “under equal conditions, can continue with the 2020 Admission Process, because our commitment is that students can exercise their right to take the PSU ”.
In this scenario, he stated that prior to the PSU surrender "we considered that there would be a percentage of applicants who would be part of an extension of the process", the date of which would be defined after the Council meeting.
Valid process
Valle made a call for tranquility to those who will take the tests of Mathematics and History, Geography and Social Sciences tomorrow Tuesday. "We hope they attend with the same conviction and determination that they did today, because that will help us a lot to solve the pending part that we will have with respect to those who could not take these tests," he said.
The rector of the U. de Valparaíso explained that access to the premises will be safeguarded so that “there is a guarantee that applicants cannot be prevented from accessing and that there are no disturbances on the part of those who have mobilized against that this right can be exercised and the PSUs rendered ”. This implies a reinforcement of the coordination between the CRUCH, the DEMRE, the Ministry of Education and the Carabineros.
Additionally, he said that those who took the exams this Monday and do so tomorrow must be certain that “they have given valid tests, in a valid process that is not interrupted or will end abnormally and therefore, those people are already part of the Admission Process 2020 ”.
In this process, 297,437 people were registered to take the PSU and the optional tests. It should be noted that 729 application premises had been enabled throughout Chile, considering educational establishments, prisons and facilities of the National Service for Minors (SENAME).
Meanwhile, this Tuesday is scheduled the surrender of the PSU of Mathematics (9.00 hours) and the elective test of History, Geography and Social Sciences (14.30 hours).