The rector Aldo Valle explained the decision to suspend the application of the History, Geography and Social Sciences test after a leak, in order to give guarantees to “all those who were going to give the evaluation and wanted to have a score under equal conditions ”.
La autoridad de Consejo de Rectores aseguró que esta situación es “un hecho grave que dará a lugar a investigaciones de carácter administrativo y de carácter jurídico penal”.
"We have taken care of the integrity and consistency of the process," said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), Aldo Valle, after the application of the History, Geography and Social Sciences test was suspended. Nacional level.
El rector Valle lamentó lo ocurrido y sostuvo que en virtud de resguardar la integridad y la confianza pública del sistema de admisión del CRUCH, una vez verificada la filtración desde el Departamento de Evaluación, Medición y Registro Educacional (DEMRE) de la U. de Chile, se tomó la decisión “para que, de acuerdo a una larga tradición, este sistema público de admisión dé garantía a todos quienes iban a dar la evaluación y querían tener un puntaje en igualdad de condiciones”.
El examen –para el que se habían inscrito más de 202 mil postulantes- debía rendirse desde las 14.30 horas de este martes 7 de enero. Sin embargo, la directora del DEMRE, Leonor Varas explicó que “durante la jornada recibimos la denuncia de la filtración de la prueba de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, y al verificar su veracidad, informamos al Consejo de Rectores quienes determinaron suspender la aplicación de la prueba. Anteriormente recibimos denuncias de posibles filtraciones de otras pruebas, lo que pudimos descartar luego de investigar los antecedentes”.
Varas added that "in a selection test with such high consequences as the PSU, the protocols of how to operate when a leak occurs are strict, which immediately forces to suspend the performance of it, initiate an investigation and take all legal actions corresponding ".
For his part, the rector Valle assured that “the illicit can always have responsible subjects, but as long as there is no precedent that allows a participation to be attributed, it is irresponsible to do so. What corresponds to us is to resort to the jurisdictional bodies, to the competent bodies so that, by providing the information available to DEMRE, the corresponding investigations can be carried out ”.
Likewise, it stated that “this is a serious fact that will give rise to investigations of an administrative and criminal legal nature, because obviously here there are damages, damages and injuries to the public patrimony, because the financing of this admission system has committed public resources and consequently, it is essential that it is clear, before the citizens and the organs of the State, what those responsibilities are ”.
Continuity of the admission process
Regarding the day of this Tuesday, the director of the DEMRE explained that during the morning of this Tuesday the application of the University Selection Test (PSU) of Mathematics was suspended to 50 establishments, which were added to the 97 places of application in those who took the same measure last Monday, when they took the PSU of Language and Communication and the elective of Sciences.
In total, this admission process considered the enabling of a total of 729 application locations throughout Chile, considering educational establishments, prisons and facilities of the National Service for Minors (SENAME). Meanwhile, 297,437 had registered to give the tests.
Regarding the situation of the applicants who could not render any of the PSUs, the rector Valle said that “we are going to make an effort so that -with extraordinary measures- these people can exercise their right without exposing themselves to insecurity and much less to mistrust, including the threat that they were subjected to in many cases by those who called or participated in this boycott of the test.
Regarding what courses of action will be taken in these cases, Valle said that “we do not have a predetermined deadline (to reschedule the evaluations) and we are going to do it after consolidating the data of those who actually must take them. But we will deliver it no later than this Thursday, January 9, once the course of action that the Council of Rectors must approve is approved, in accordance with the regulations of the admission system ”.
La autoridad del CRUCH aseguró que “queremos darle tranquilidad a las familias y a quienes quisieron rendir estas pruebas y no pudieron por actos indebidos, injustos e ilícitos por parte de terceros, que incluso recurriendo a la violencia impidieron que estudiantes que querían ejercer un derecho no lo pudieron hacer”.