social Sciences

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (San Joaquín Campus)
- City: Macul,
- Commune: Santiago,
- Region: Metropolitan Region
To train academics with analytical and methodological competencies that allow them to carry out university teaching and develop, autonomously, original and avant-garde sociological research.
Applicant Profile
The applicant must be in possession of the degree of Bachelor. In case of having academic degrees of foreign origin, these must be equivalent to those previously mentioned. In addition, you must have a command of the English language sufficient to understand it in written form, at a level that allows you to read articles, books and access international documents and databases.
Graduate profile
In accordance with the general and specific objectives of the Program, the expected profile of its graduates includes the development of the following skills:
Have the tools, discipline and knowledge to autonomously develop advanced research in specialized areas of sociology; The critical and analytical ability to replicate studies and research designs to document constant phenomena of social reality; The ability to conduct comparative research; The critical and analytical capacity to innovate and offer new answers, theories and methodological instruments to study society; The ability to adapt to new theoretical and methodological approaches; Possess specialized knowledge and experience necessary to teach undergraduate and graduate level university teaching; The ability to apply instruments and methodological designs that offer relevant information to guide public policies; Analytical capacity and research experience that allow you to integrate and collaborate in national, interdisciplinary and international research networks.
Therefore, the graduates of the Program are capable, based on a rigorous sociological reflection, of understanding the recurrence and change of the social processes that occur in Chile and in the rest of the world.
Lines of investigation
Population, family and well-being
Political sociology
Sociological Theory
Sociology of Education
Economic sociology and inequality
Sociology of Culture