Doctorado en psicología

  • Start
  • Doctorado en psicología

social Sciences



Universidad Católica del Norte

Northern Catholic University

  • City: Antofagasta,
  • Commune: Antofagasta,
  • Region: Antofagasta Region

El programa de doctorado de Psicología de la UCN-UTA busca formar investigadores/as y académicos/as expertos/as, autónomos en la generación y divulgación de conocimiento científico, con altos estándares de calidad.

Applicant Profile

All those people who have the academic degree of Bachelor of Psychology may apply for the doctorate. Additionally, the Academic Committee of each University may evaluate the entry of graduates from other related areas such as Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Education or others.
Candidates from other disciplines will also be eligible as long as their research project is developed in the field of Psychology and their professional and / or academic background is positively evaluated by the academic committee of the University to which they apply to enter.

Graduate profile

The graduate of the Doctorate in Psychology program is a researcher committed to knowledge, justice, equity and freedom. From this perspective, it exercises its work being socially responsible in the generation of new knowledge in the area of Psychology, based on ethical principles, interculturality and respect for the dignity of people.

Su formación basada en la excelencia académica, le entrega sólidos conocimientos teóricos y prácticos especializados, que se encuentran a la vanguardia de su área disciplinar, lo que en conjunto con una fuerte formación metodológica tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, lo convierte en un investigador de alto nivel, especializado en investigación básica en problemas psicológicos, psicosociales y socioculturales.

Lines of investigation

– Salud, Bienestar y Relaciones Interpersonales Cercanas
– Psicología Social