natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
University of La Frontera
- City: Temuco,
- Commune: Temuco,
- Region: Araucanía Region
To train scientists of the highest level with a critical spirit, innovators, capable of leading and integrating into scientific and technological research teams, performing with solvency and creativity in the field of applied cellular and molecular biology.
Applicant Profile
We invite you to apply for the Doctorate Program in Sciences Mention Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied, taught by the University of La Frontera, with the purpose of training researchers that effectively impact the development of the industrial and scientific area of the country.
Graduate profile
The graduate of the Doctorate Program in Sciences with a mention in Applied Cellular and Molecular Biology has an integrative vision and solid training in cellular and molecular biology; trained to develop applied, independent, original and creative research in higher education institutions and national or international centers of excellence, either individually or as part of a multidisciplinary group, in the area of biological sciences with an emphasis on biomedicine, biology of the reproduction and biotechnology of bioresources.
Lines of investigation
Lines of investigation:
-Biology and biotechnology of bioresources
-Cellular and molecular biology of reproduction
-Cellular and molecular biology of priority diseases