Medical and Health Sciences
Health Sciences

Austral University of Chile
- City: Valdivia,
- Commune: Valdivia,
- Region: Los Ríos Region
The program will promote the sustained development of biomedical research, especially in the area of priority health problems of the Chilean population, and will contribute to the understanding of health problems from a comprehensive framework. For professionals in the health and related areas, the program will constitute an alternative for those who i) wish to acquire an academic training of the highest level, increasing their professional perspectives according to the progress of the country; and ii) for those who wish to opt for a scientific career, participating in and / or developing research groups that successfully face the various challenges of the contemporary world.
Applicant Profile
The general criteria for admission to the Doctoral Programs are governed by the General Regulations for Doctoral Programs of the Austral University of Chile, which establishes as a general requirement to be in possession of an academic degree in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
Applications are open to all graduates of careers in the area of health and biomedical sciences. The selection of applicants is made on the basis of the candidate's academic background and an admission exam and personal interview carried out by the Program Committee. The background information that candidates must present are the following:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Concentration of undergraduate grades
3. Undergraduate graduation ranking certification
4. Certificate of Title and Bachelor's Degree
5. Name of two recommenders who send their recommendation directly to the Graduate School of Medicine
6. Letter stating reasons for the application
7. Study objective in the research to be carried out in the Doctorate Program
Foreign students must legalize all documents and prove adequate use of the Spanish language for those who do not have it as their native language.
Graduate profile
The graduate is a doctorate rigorously trained in the scientific method, capable of conducting original, high-level scientific research independently and creating knowledge in the field of biomedical research to contribute to the understanding of health problems at the national and national level. international. The graduate, aware of the importance of scientific research as a permanent source of progress, will seek the appropriate solution to these problems in both private and state institutions. (Annex 1.3.)
Lines of investigation
In accordance with this profile, the Program is based on the research lines related to the program are the following:
1. Normal and Pathological Development of the Nervous System
2. Biology and Maternal and Child Health
3. Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Homeostasis, Inflammatory Response and Cancer
4. Pathogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Agents