Doctorado en ciencias de la ingeniería, mención modelación matemática

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  • Doctorado en ciencias de la ingeniería, mención modelación matemática

natural Sciences



Universidad de Chile

University of Chile

  • City: Santiago,
  • Commune: Santiago,
  • Region: Metropolitan Region

The objective of the Doctorate in Engineering Sciences with a Mention in Mathematical Modeling is the scientific training of academics of the highest level, capable of conducting original research, the results of which constitute a significant contribution to the knowledge in Mathematical Modeling and the applications of mathematics in engineering

Applicant Profile

Be in possession of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, Mathematics mention, or Master of Engineering Sciences, Applied Mathematics mention, awarded by the University of Chile or another University, or a degree or equivalent training degree that ensures satisfactory prior training for the purposes and requirements of the program. For students from other universities, the Doctoral Commission will determine the equivalences of the studies and will indicate in those cases necessary the courses or seminars that the applicant must approve before their final acceptance.

Graduate profile

The objective of the Program is the scientific training of academics of the highest level, able to carry out original research, the results of which constitute a significant contribution to knowledge in mathematics, in mathematical modeling or in the applications of mathematics in engineering and science. .

Lines of investigation

1.- Algorithms and Combinatorics.
2.- Equations in Partial Derivatives and Nonlinear Analysis
3.- Mathematical Mechanics and Inverse Problems
4.- Optimization and Balance
5.- Stochastic processes, ergodic theory and stochastic modeling