Doctorado en ciencias de la acuicultura

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  • Doctorado en ciencias de la acuicultura

Agricultural science


Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Universidad Austral de Chile

Austral University of Chile

  • City: Puerto Montt,
  • Commune: Puerto Montt,
  • Region: Los Lagos Region

General objective:

To train highly qualified human capital for the development of research in Aquaculture Sciences.

Specific objectives:

- To train doctors capable of generating new scientific knowledge of high quality and relevant to the challenges of aquaculture. With a focus on the sustainability and diversification of aquaculture resources.

- Promote a multidisciplinary and systemic approach in the training of new doctors in aquaculture sciences.

Applicant Profile

The Postgraduate Policies of the Austral University of Chile (Annex 3.3) and the General Regulations for Doctoral Programs stipulate that entry into the institution's doctoral programs must be carried out in accordance with the laws in force of the country. From this regulatory framework, it is established as a minimum requirement to apply for a doctoral program at the UACh to be in possession of the academic degree of bachelor. The General Regulation of Doctoral Programs specifies, in addition, that, in the case of applicants who have studied abroad, the academic background must be presented through official documentation issued by the academic institution of origin (as a complementary administrative measure, the university requires that this documentation be legalized in the respective Chilean consulate of the country of origin); that, in qualified cases, a Spanish language proficiency test may be required; and that the admission process may include an Admission Exam whose characteristics are defined by the respective programs.

Based on these stipulations, the Doctorate in Aquaculture Sciences has defined as entry requirements to the program:

a) Have a bachelor's or master's degree in areas related to aquaculture sciences.
b) Document a record of academic excellence in accordance with the requirements of the program, specified in Art. 5 and on which applicants are pre-selected.
c) Successfully complete a personal interview and knowledge test (only for pre-selected students)

Applications to the program are made directly through an online platform available at Applicants must complete the online form and provide the following documentation:

- Certificates of degrees obtained (original or legalized photocopy)
- Certificates of concentration of marks (of the studies carried out in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, if any),
- Two confidential letters of recommendation
- Letter of intent with proposal of the research areas of interest
- Updated curriculum that reports the following aspects necessary for the weighting of backgrounds in the selection process: titles or degrees obtained, including postgraduate degrees (if any), theses carried out, participation in research or related projects (as assistant, assistant technician, collaborator or manager); attendance at specialty seminars or specialization courses; participation in national or international congresses (as an assistant, oral speaker or poster, as main author or co-author); participation in journal articles (indexed and non-indexed) or book chapters (as main author or co-author).

Applicants are informed about the admission requirements on the program's website ( or on the website of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies (, as well as in the press, through brochures and posters of the program and with the Director of the Program, either by email or by personal interview.

Graduate profile

The program aims to train doctors capable of developing scientific research independently, with skills to integrate, analyze, synthesize, communicate scientific knowledge and thereby increase knowledge in Aquaculture Sciences through approaches oriented to sustainable and diversified production. of this activity.

Graduates of the program will have the capacities and competencies to detect problems and knowledge gaps in aquaculture sciences and propose solutions that, from a multidisciplinary and systemic approach, contribute to the sustainability and diversification of aquaculture resources, both from the public sector and from the private or at the academy.

Our doctorates will be able to increase scientific knowledge in aspects such as:

(i) critical knowledge for the diversification of aquaculture resources;
(ii) resolution of biological problems (ie, molecular, physiological, genetic, growth) that impact the productive activity of national aquaculture;
(iii) fundamental aspects to understand the development of diseases in aquaculture resources; and
(iv) understanding the response of organisms to environmental variability and its effect on the coastline.

Lines of investigation

The program includes the following six lines of research:

- Aquaculture Genetics
- Aquaculture Molecular Biology
- Reproduction, Development and Growth of Aquaculture Resources
- Sustainability and Management of Marine Resources
- Health of Aquaculture Species
- Aquaculture Nutrition
