natural Sciences
Physical sciences

University of Valparaíso
- City: Valparaíso,
- Commune: Valparaíso,
- Region: V Region of Valparaíso
To train high-level researchers, with extensive knowledge in Astrophysics.
Applicant Profile
People who have an academic degree of Bachelor or Magister, in disciplines such as Astronomy, Physics and Mathematics, or similar, can apply to the Doctorate Program in Astrophysics. Applicants who have academic degrees obtained abroad must present their documents certified and authorized by competent authorities.
Graduate profile
The PhD graduate will be in a position to carry out research independently on current issues for astrophysics, as well as having the opportunity to interact with other researchers and use the infrastructure that Chile offers for astronomy.
Lines of investigation
1. Stellar Astrophysics
2. Galactic Astrophysics
3. Extragalactic Astrophysics
4. Theoretical Astrophysics