The CRUCH will have a dedicated session on Monday, October 18, at 10:00 a.m., prior to the start of the meeting, which has Chile as the host country and which will take place virtually.
That same day, at the round table "National Survey of Student Engagement (ENCE), placing the student experience at the center of university education", the results of the latest ENCE Survey, developed from the collaborative work of 11 universities in the CRUCH.
The Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) is one of the organizations that supports the holding of the seventh version of the Congress of the Americas on International Education (CAEI), which has Chile as host country and will take place between Tuesday 19 and on Friday, October 22. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually.
On Monday, October 18, prior to the inauguration of CAIE 2021, CRUCH will star in the dedicated session "Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities: A long tradition of commitment and contributions to the development of the country", which will address the role of this public body, its contribution to the country since its creation in 1954, and the significant contribution of universities to the various regions of Chile.
In this activity, which will begin at 10 am, the Executive Vice President of the Council of Rectors, the Rector of the University of Santiago, Juan Manuel Zolezzi; the general secretary (s) of CRUCH, Marcela Cifuentes; the president of the CRUCH Research Commission and vice-rector for Research and Development of the University of Concepción, Andrea Rodríguez; and the president of the Commission of Academic Vice-Rectors of CRUCH and Academic Vice-Rector of the Catholic University of Temuco, David Figueroa.
Special Track and ENCE Survey
On the same Monday 18, within the framework of "Special Track Program: Information for the management of training processes in higher education", the round table will be held "National Survey of Student Engagement (ENCE), placing the student experience at the center of university education", initiative developed from the collaborative work of 11 Chilean universities that make up the CRUCH and that will review the results of its last application.
From 5.30 pm they will participate in this instance Leonor Armanet, Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Chile; Carla Förster, Director of Undergraduate Evaluation and Quality at the University of Talca; Angélica Bustos, director of the Center for Support to Academic Achievement and Vocational Exploration of the Pontificia U. Católica de Chile (CARA-UC); and Gonzalo Zapata, director of the ENCE-CRUCH project. Moderated by José Miguel Salazar, researcher at the University of Valparaíso.
The U. of Chile participated in the ENCE 2020 survey; Pontificia U. Católica de Chile; U. of Talca; U. de La Frontera; U. of Valparaíso; U. de Playa Ancha of Education Sciences; U. Católica de Temuco; U. Católica de la Santísima Concepción; U. Arturo Prat; U. de Aysén; and U. Tecnológica Metropolitana. The evaluation included 109 items, which were organized into 8 dimensions: Higher Order Learning, Student-Teacher Interaction, Effective Teaching Practices, Learning Strategies, Quality of Interactions, Interactions in a Diversity Framework, Institutional Support, and Academic Effort ( the latter at the pilot level).
CAEI's special program also considers panels "Information in higher education from the prism of educational policies" (from 3:00 p.m.) and “Information needs on higher education training processes in Latin America ", which will be moderated by Elisa Zenteno, in charge of the CRUCH Study Area.
Other shares of CRUCH
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, October 19, from 3:00 p.m., the panel of experts "Education for Sustainable Development: Commitment to Higher Education" will be held, in which the rector of the U. de La Frontera, Eduardo Hebel.
That same day, at 4.30 p.m., the rectors Juan Manuel Zolezzi (U. de Santiago) Y Osvaldo Corrales (U. de Valparaíso), With Lillian Ferrer, Vice-rector for Internationalization of the Pontificia U. Católica, will be present in the panel “Post Disruption Cooperation and the Importance of Global Networks in Higher Education”, Which will be held in English.
On Thursday, October 21, from 1:00 p.m., the plenary panel "Higher Education and its Commitment to Global Challenges" will be held, in which the rector of the University of Chile, Ennio Vivaldi. That same day, at 3:00 p.m., the panel “The changing landscape of international education: A global conversation” will be held, with the participation of Anoek van den Berg, Director of the Department of International and Interuniversity Relations of the University of Santiago Y President of the Internationalization Commission of CRUCH.
On Friday 22, from 1:00 p.m., the plenary panel “Tracing the Future: International Education for the Americas” will be held, which will have as a participant to the rector of the University of Los Lagos and president of the Inter-American University Organization (OUI), Óscar Garrido.
The rest of the CAIE 2021 program is available here.
About CAEI
This year, under the slogan "Tracing the future: Strengthening the global community of knowledge", the CAEI will address four subtopics: "Research and Knowledge Networks: Empowering Development", "Transforming Teaching: Pedagogies for the Future", "Education International: Collaboration Platforms ”and“ Community Commitment: Facing Common Challenges ”.
It should be noted that CAEI is organized in alliance with national, regional and international higher education institutions and organizations, offering a platform from which emerging challenges and trends are made known, as well as good practices related to international education. In the continent.
Those who wish to participate in CAEI 2021, can choose four registration modalities, detailed in this link.