"It is inexplicable that the CRUCH request to renew the appointment of the General Secretary for another three-year period is neglected," emphasized the executive vice president of CRUCH.
Law 19,882 establishes that after the appointment, which lasts for three years, “the competent authority may reasonably renew them, up to two times, for the same period, taking into consideration the evaluations available from the senior manager, especially those related to compliance with the agreements. of subscribed performances ”.
“For the Council of Rectors it is not trivial that the Ministry of Education adopts the position of not listening to the decision and the requirements expressed by the Rectors and Rectors in different instances, regarding the renewal of the appointment of the current Secretary General of CRUCH for a new management period, which is a legitimate option contemplated in the positions of Senior Public Management ”, stated the executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Juan Manuel Zolezzi.
During the last session of the CRUCH, at the end of August, the rectors of the 30 universities belonging to the CRUCH unanimously expressed that the General Secretary of the CRUCH, Dr. María Elena González, has completed her term of office with excellence and has contributed significantly to channel the various agreements of the plenary session, which has favored the functioning of this collegiate body.
Given that his position is elected by the Senior Public Management System for a period of 3 years, and this modality allows his appointment to be renewed for two more periods if the performance evaluation is positive, the CRUCH plenary session has repeatedly requested that he opt for this path. However, the Ministry has made a decision arbitrarily and without consultation, which violates the autonomy required by the Council.
For the same reason, "it is unfortunate and disrespectful that the Minister of Education describes the conflict with the Council of Rectors as artificial," said Rector Zolezzi, referring to Minister Figueroa's words on Wednesday, September 22 through Radio Cooperativa .
Renewal of the position of Secretary General
The position of Secretary General of the CRUCH is subject to Law 19,882, which establishes the general rules of the Senior Public Management System, through which senior public managers are selected “who are positions of leadership in the management of public bodies or services, whose functions are predominantly the execution of public policies and the direct provision of services to the community ”.
After the application and selection process carried out by the Senior Public Management System, a shortlist of the most suitable persons is sent to the President of the Republic, to make the appointment.
Regarding the renewal of the position, the law establishes that after the appointment, which lasts for three years, “the competent authority may reasonably renew them, up to two times, for the same period, taking into consideration the available evaluations of the senior manager, especially those related to the fulfillment of the performance agreements signed ”(article fifty-seventh Law 19,882).
In the case of the current Secretary General, María Elena González, both the formal evaluation of the Ministry of Education, through the Undersecretariat of Higher Education, as well as the considerations of the Council of Rectors itself, coincide in that the objectives and functions that correspond to him have been carried out optimally throughout his management.
"For this reason, it is inexplicable that the CRUCH request to renew the appointment of the General Secretary for another three-year period is ignored," emphasized the executive vice president of CRUCH.
In the opinion of the rectors and the rectors, the explanation that fits is that this measure of the Ministry of Education "is a retaliation for the discrepancies that have existed during this period with the Council of Rectors," said Zolezzi. He added that "if this is the reason, it is unfair and unacceptable, and does not honor the legitimate differences inherent to democracy and the role of the Council of Rectors."