The Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities, consistent with the principles of universality, respect for diversity, pluralism, search for the common good and commitment to the public, which govern its actions, recognizes and celebrates the initiative of the Universities of the Region of La Araucanía to develop a dialogue process that contributes to repair and rebuild relations between the Mapuche people, Chilean society and its institutions.
In this spirit, it considers it essential to express to the public opinion its support and collaboration to the proposal released on Tuesday, July 27, contained in the document "Araucanía: Urgency for Dialogue as a State Policy", and that it was signed by the rectors or the authorities regional offices of seven universities in La Araucanía. Among them, four universities of the Council of Rectors: the Catholic University of Temuco, the University of La Frontera, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Villarrica Headquarters, and the Arturo Prat University Victoria Headquarters. Also, the Mayor, Autonomous and Santo Tomás universities, as well as the Bishop of Temuco and Grand Chancellor of the Catholic University of Temuco, Héctor Vargas Bastidas.
We especially value the invitation to build processes of dialogue -and fundamentally of listening-, in the understanding that these conversations can allow spaces for meeting and a genuine intercultural dialogue that opens up new possibilities to live together in a more diverse and inclusive Chile.
Finally, we highlight the participation of the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, a Norwegian institution that has permanently shown its commitment to collaborate with the Council of Rectors and contribute from its vast territorial experience in different places, such as the Balkans, Afghanistan, Poland and Colombia, among others.
We are confident that this great initiative will have positive effects and will contribute to the profound changes that Chile wants and demands.