In the framework of the discussion of the 2021 Budget for Higher Education, CONFECH requested to meet with CRUCH to analyze the complex situation faced by universities.
The rectors valued the concern of the students and appreciated the support received in the face of the proposals that the CRUCH has made known in different instances in recent weeks.
"Today in the afternoon CONFECH representatives expressed their concern about the complex situation faced by the universities of the Council of Rectors as a consequence of the significant reduction of the 2021 Budget. We share with them that this situation puts institutional sustainability at serious risk and has impact on all levels of our university communities, ”said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors and rector of the University of Santiago, Juan Manuel Zolezzi, at the end of the meeting requested by the Confederation of Students of Chile (CONFECH).
In the almost two-hour meeting, in addition to the rector Zolezzi, the president of the Non-State Public Universities (G-9) and rector of the Universidad Católica del Maule, Diego Durán; the president of the Regional University Association (AUR) and rector of the University of Playa Ancha, Patricio Sanhueza; and the rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez.
On behalf of CONFECH, the members of the Executive Board attended, who raised their concern about how universities could give continuity to their development projects and the ability to research without the usual funding. They also expressed their uncertainty about how they could respond to their students, workers, officials and academics and all the workers linked to the universities.
The rectors valued the concern of the students about these issues and appreciated the support received in the face of the proposals that the CRUCH has made known in different instances in recent weeks.
La vocera de la CONFECH, Catalina Magaña, fue crítica en señalar que “en educación superior vemos un recorte de 42 mil millones de pesos, porque no hay dinero. Acá, además de ver que no existen voluntades por parte del Ministerio de Educación de hacerse cargo de esta crisis, vemos que existe un problema estructural en cuanto a cómo se financia la educación, estamos viendo que se sigue aumentando el presupuesto para el negocio de la recompra del CAE, así como también el financiamiento de gratuidad para instituciones privadas a costa de recortes a las universidades del CRUCH, lo que puede incluso significar que estas se vean obligadas a plantear su cierre”.
Magaña sostuvo que “como Confederación venimos exigiendo desde el comienzo de la pandemia, e incluso antes, una mayor inyección de recursos para la educación superior y parece inaudito que mientras el ministerio sigue en sus interminables intentos de la vuelta a clases, reduzca nuestros presupuestos. Pareciera que el MINEDUC funciona con la psicología inversa”.
At the meeting, the rectors reiterated that in the context of the 2021 Budget discussion, the priorities of the CRUCH are: the recovery of financing for the Basal and Project Funds; authorization for the use of surpluses from the University Credit Solidarity Fund, FSCU; the long-term indebtedness of the State Universities with a State guarantee; and the suspension of the application of the Regulated Tariffs.
On behalf of CONFECH, Felipe Gordon, President of the Santo Tomás University Student Federation; Catalina Magaña, President of the Student Federation of the University of the Americas; Cristóbal Reyes, Spokesperson for the Student Federation of the University of Los Lagos; Nicolás Carrancio, President of the Metropolitan Technological University Student Federation; Sofía Vallejos, General Secretary, Federation of Students, Metropolitan Technological University; Sebastián Muñoz, President of the Student Federation of the University of La Serena; Carla Trigo, Vice President of the Student Federation of the University of La Serena; Constanza Román, Vice President of the Student Federation of the Austral University of Chile; Ignacio Escobar, President of the Student Federation of the Austral University of Chile; Josefa Guzmán, Secretary General of the Federation of Students of the Catholic University of Temuco; and Danneksy Navarrete, Political Secretary of the Federation of students of the Catholic University of Temuco.