The results of the National Survey of Student Engagement, ENCE, correspond to the application of the 2019 survey, which was answered by 9,894 students from various careers from the participating universities.
The information collected by the survey allows characterizing the student experience, which enables universities to receive valuable information to improve their training practices and to optimize the use of their learning resources.
En el contexto del trabajo colaborativo que desarrollan diez universidades del Consejo de Rectores, este viernes 31 de julio se darán a conocer los resultados de la tercera aplicación de la Encuesta Nacional de Compromiso Estudiantil (ENCE), a través del seminario virtual “Experiencia estudiantil en diversos contextos de formación”, que se transmitirá entre 10:00 y 12:00 horas en este sitio web.
The results correspond to the application of the 2019 survey, whose sample contains responses from 9,894 students from various careers from the participating universities, 6,250 of which correspond to the 2019 cohort and 3,644 to the 2016 cohort.
Although ENCE was applied before October 18, 2019, the results obtained suggest that there are some important differences with respect to the information collected in previous years. For more detailed information, you can consult the Selective Results Report 2019, which is available on the same website.
As stated by Gonzalo Zapata, the director of the ENCE Project and academic of the Universidad de Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the information collected by the survey allows characterizing the student experience. “This allows universities to receive valuable information to improve their training practices and to optimize the use of their learning resources. In addition, they can contrast the results obtained by their students with those observed, at an aggregate level, in the other universities, ”Zapata explained.
In its 2019 version, ENCE included 105 questions, which are organized in 8 dimensions: Higher Order Learning, Student-Teacher Interaction, Effective Teaching Practices, Learning Strategies, Quality of Interactions, Interactions in a Diversity Framework, Institutional Support, and Academic Effort (the latter at the pilot level). Likewise, the instrument collected perceptions of the students regarding the time dedication, their workload, the achievement of competences, prospects for graduation and expectations about the university experience. It also collected information to detect the presence of high-impact practices that, according to specialized literature, strongly affects the educational experience of students. All this information is then linked to the characterization data of the students and their academic results.
The institutions currently participating in the ENCE project are the University of Chile, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Universidad de la Frontera, the Universidad de Valparaíso, the Universidad de Talca, the Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, the Universidad Católica de Temuco, the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana and the Universidad de Aysén.
About ENCE
ENCE se inspira en la National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE), desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación en Educación Superior de la Universidad de Indiana, y ha sido utilizada y adaptada a la realidad de diversos países. Desde su primera aplicación en nuestro país, en 2017, ENCE ha experimentado numerosos ajustes para reflejar mejor la experiencia formativa de los estudiantes universitarios chilenos.
El compromiso estudiantil (student engagement) corresponde a un estado y disposición de los/as estudiantes para abordar sus estudios y lograr aprendizajes. Supone que el aprendizaje necesita fuerte inversión de tiempo y esfuerzos por parte de los estudiantes. Al mismo tiempo, asume que las universidades ofrecen condiciones adecuadas para el logro de aprendizajes efectivos, desplegando sus recursos, organizando el currículo e impulsando la realización de actividades que están relacionadas con el aprendizaje.