The website covid19.consejoderectores.cl reports on the actions that the 30 universities of the Council of Rectors have implemented since March to collaborate with the prevention, treatment and impact of the health emergency.
The initiatives cover five areas, ranging from research to information and containment of citizens, and are based on civic duty and the responsibility of the social function and public vocation of CRUCH universities.
Since the beginning of the serious health crisis that our country is experiencing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 30 universities of the Council of Rectors have developed multiple actions aimed at preventing contagion and reversing its consequences. "We have estimated a civic duty and a responsibility inherent to the social function that we fulfill, offer and collaborate with all our available resources to our communities, regions and, consequently, to the entire national territory," explains the executive vice president of CRUCH and rector from the University of Santiago, Juan Manuel Zolezzi.
Since last March, CRUCH universities have implemented diverse and growing actions, both individually and in association with other higher education institutions, in areas as diverse as the manufacture of supplies, research and information to the community. In addition, several of the universities joined the Network of Laboratories coordinated by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, contributing their infrastructure and teams of experts.
The above has been developed in parallel with the implementation of the necessary actions to maintain undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and thus give continuity to the training process of more than 380 thousand students.
Website sections
El sitio web que hoy se presenta, disponible en el link https://covid19.consejoderectores.cl/, reúne las acciones que han realizado las universidades del Consejo de Rectores hasta este momento.
To facilitate navigation, it has been divided into five areas: Laboratories, which refers to the collection and analysis of Covid-19 samples and participation in laboratory networks; Inputs, which accounts for the elaboration of face shields, masks, ventilator prototypes, hospital care modules and sampling cabins, among others; Research and Studies, which includes the various areas of knowledge involved; Support for citizens, which brings together cultural and recreational activities; food donation; mental health guidelines and assistance; contribution to Health Services and health professionals; and Information to the community, which considers the communication supports implemented by the universities.
The participation and commitment shown by the universities has been timely, massive, solid and growing, and has focused on the specific requirements of the different territories in which higher education institutions are inserted.
In general terms, it is evident that the 100% of the CRUCH universities have developed supports to inform the community; 83% are conducting research in different areas of knowledge to contribute to providing solutions to the health and economic crisis that derives from it; the 80% has manufactured various inputs; 66% has implemented activities for the benefit of citizens, in areas such as cultural presentations or mental health programs; and 63% of the universities participate in the network of diagnostic laboratories and analysis of Covid-19 exams.