This Thursday, April 30, the new authorities of the organization were elected for the period 2020 - 2022. In addition to the executive vice president, the alternate executive vice president was elected, a position that will be assumed by the rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez; and also six rectors to integrate the Executive Committee.
In the session, the rectors and rector thanked and recognized the management of the rector of the University of Valparaíso, Aldo Valle, who was in the position of executive vice president of CRUCH since January 2015.
“I hope to be a contribution and, through the Council of Rectors, to Chilean higher education and education in general. For me this is an honor, I say it honestly ”, expressed the rector of the University of Santiago de Chile, Juan Manuel Zolezzi, after being unanimously elected in the session N ° 612 of the Council of Rectors, held remotely this Thursday, April 30.
He added that "assuming this responsibility and this mandate from my fellow rectors and rector is an honor in the sense that we are in a moment of extraordinary difficulty, of unprecedented events, not only in Chile, but in the world."
The new executive vice president pointed out that the Council of Rectors is one of the most valuable organizations that our country has and also one of the most respected. For this reason, he said that "in these complex times we cannot fail" and stressed that "we have been able to do extraordinary things in a very short time, and I would say that with a lot of commitment from our own institutions we are collaborating with measures related to the pandemic" . He pointed out that "the economic and social impacts of Covid 19 are going to be much greater and that the only way to get ahead is to be united."
Regarding the guidelines for its management for the 2020-2022 period, Zolezzi said that “we must set ourselves medium and long-term objectives that empower us and unite us. You have my commitment to make the best of efforts in order to collaborate to the maximum and bring all our universities to the best level, for which we require the participation of our own university communities ”.
Meanwhile, the rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Ignacio Sánchez, will assume the position of alternate executive vice president.
Recognition to the rector Aldo Valle
On the other hand, all the rectors and rector valued the management of the rector Aldo Valle in his position of executive vice-presidency during the period 2015-2020. In their interventions, the rectors thanked and praised the leadership of the rector Valle, highlighting his dedication, commitment, equanimity, his ability to generate unity in the diversity of CRUCH, his contribution to dialogue in public space, as well as his ability to agree on lines strategies for the benefit of higher education in the country.
The rector Valle, thanked the words and maintained that “I was only part of the result, which does not happen unexpectedly, it is the result of the effort and common will that we have been able to make important changes. In this sense, I especially appreciate the honor of trust, which is one of the greatest honors to which one can aspire ”. He also appreciated the contribution of the members of the Executive Committee who accompanied him during his tenure, the rectors Darcy Fuenzalida, from the U. Federico Santa María; Ennio Vivaldi, from the University of Chile; Claudio Elórtegui, from the Pontificia U. Católica de Valparaíso; Patricio Sanhueza, from the University of Playa Ancha of Education Sciences; Emilio Rodríguez, from the University of Tarapacá; and Jorge Tabilo, from the U. Católica del Norte.
Finally, Valle asked for "applause for the new team in the person of the rector Zolezzi who is going to take on this responsibility."
Members of the Executive Committee
Meanwhile, the Executive Committee, whose main function is to collaborate in the execution of the agreements adopted by the CRUCH and support situations that require urgent or urgent decisions, was made up of the following rectors: Ennio Vivaldi, rector of the University of Chile and President of the Consortium of State Universities, CUECH; Diego Durán, rector of the Universidad Católica del Maule and President of the Network of Non-State Public Universities, G-9; Patricio Sanhueza, rector of the University of Playa Ancha of Education Sciences and President of the Regional University Group, AUR; Luis Alberto Loyola, rector of the University of Antofagasta and representative of CUECH; Óscar Galindo, rector of the Austral University of Chile and representative of the G-9; as well as Eduardo Silva, rector of the Alberto Hurtado University and representative of universities incorporated into the CRUCH in accordance with the procedure contemplated in Article 6 of Law 21.091 on Higher Education.
Regulations of the governing bodies of CRUCH
According to the “Regulation on integration, election and operation of the governing bodies of the Council of Rectors” -approved in the plenary session No. 611 of the CRUCH on April 7, 2020-, it is worth mentioning that the President of the Council of Rectors is the However, the Minister of Education may delegate his / her powers to another member of CRUCH or to the Secretary General.
Dicho reglamento también establece que el Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo de Rectores estará conformado de la siguiente forma: a) Por el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo; b) Por el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo Alterno; c) Por el Presidente del Consorcio de las Universidades Estatales, CUECH; d) Por el Presidente de la Red de Universidades Públicas No Estatales, G-9; e) Por el Presidente de la Agrupación de Universidades Regionales, AUR; f) Por tres rectores(as), propuestos y ratificados conforme a la siguiente fórmula: uno(a) por el Consorcio de Universidades Estatales, otro(a) por la Red de Universidades Públicas No Estatales y el (la) tercero(a) por los rectores incorporados al CRUCH en conformidad al procedimiento contemplado en el Art. 6 de la Ley 21.091 sobre Educación Superior.