Hasta hoy, a través de diversas comunicaciones, veintiocho planteles del CRUCH han implementado medidas de prevención y protocolos para enfrentar esta epidemia (ver la información publicada de cada universidad al final de este texto).
La medida de suspensión de clases obedece a que el Ministerio de Salud confirmó recientemente que la expansión del virus Covid-19 en el país se encuentra en fase 3, que corresponde a cuando los casos infectados no son trazables, y que el número de casos diarios se ha incrementado de manera significativa.
Twenty-eight of the thirty universities of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities resolved to suspend their face-to-face classes as of tomorrow, Monday, March 16, as a preventive measure that contributes to not increasing the contagion of the Covid-19 virus, known as Coronavirus. Meanwhile, the universities of Tarapacá and O'Higgins will evaluate the situation tomorrow, Monday in their respective academic councils.
The measure responds to the confirmation by the Ministry of Health that the country is in phase 3, which means that it is not possible to track the origin of infected people, and that there has been a significant increase in cases.
Although the in-person suspension only applies to students and to those academics and officials who are in risk groups, such as pregnant women and those over 65, each university will assess the situation internally. of academics and officials who have other problems to attend the respective universities.
In addition, universities are developing virtual platforms that facilitate the remote start of the academic year.
In short, it is important to highlight that all the universities of the Council of Rectors have implemented protocols to face this epidemic, and that these measures have been disseminated since the first days of March internally to all the levels that make up the schools and, in the most of the cases, through their websites and social networks.