The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, valued the contribution of the universities, public, private and governmental institutions and of the applicants and their families in the development of the 2020 Admission Process.
The executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), the rector Aldo Valle, concluded the stage of surrender of the University Selection Tests (PSU), after its third application, which took place on Tuesday 4 and today Wednesday, February 5.
The executive vice president of CRUCH made his evaluation accompanied by the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas, and the director of the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registration (DEMRE) of the University of Chile, Leonor Varas.
In this context, the university authority highlighted that "the Council of Rectors, DEMRE and the Ministry of Education have coordinated in this effort, very different from previous years", in reference to the circumstances that forced to take the battery of tests on three occasions, within the framework of the 2020 Admission Process.
Valle reinforced the importance of insisting on the application of these evaluations. "All higher education legislation that considers various student benefits, such as Gratuity, scholarships and credits, assume that they have rendered the PSU. So if the tests did not take place, the legislation had to be modified or, simply, generate negative effects for the families, the applicants, and all the admission to the first year of the universities in 2020 ”, he assured.
The rector of the University of Valparaíso highlighted "the families that were permanently supporting the applicants, because this was essential for us to be able to comply with this stage of the admission process."
He also thanked “the universities that contributed with their staff and venues in which the second and third applications could be carried out; to the personnel constituted in the places of application ”. He also valued the contribution of other governmental, private and public institutions that participated in this phase of the admission process.
Regarding the protest actions against the PSUs, the CRUCH authority stated that “the discussion about the validity or adequacy of the evidence is a pertinent, valid and legitimate discussion. But it is not that people, resorting many times to the exercise of force, prevented the exercise of a right ”.
Third application
According to the figures provided by DEMRE, in the third application of the tests, about 2 thousand people took the PSU of Language and Communication (on Tuesday), while almost 4 thousand applicants took the PSU of Mathematics today.
The director of DEMRE, Leonor Varas, stated that "the importance of concluding this stage of application of the tests is to give continuity to the admission process" In this line, she stated that "this process is chained and includes taking the admission tests , analyze them, deliver the results and then give way to the application and enrollment in the 41 universities attached to the Single Admission System. It is the same indivisible process. This is why we greatly thank the applicants who persevered in this process and also the thousands of people who worked throughout Chile to make it possible ”.
It should be remembered that –in total- 297,437 applicants registered in the 2020 Admission Process, which this year considered the application of the PSUs on January 6 and 7; January 27 and 28, and February 4 and 5.
Next dates
After the closure of the PSU surrender stage, on Monday, February 24, from 08.00 hours, the scores obtained in the tests by the applicants will be announced, both those who took the evaluations in the first, second and third application.
That same day, from 09.00 hours, the application stage begins, through the DEMRE website. This phase will run until 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28.
The results of the selection will be published on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 12:00 hours, on the DEMRE portal and on the web pages of the 30 CRUCH universities and the 11 institutions attached to the Single Admission System (SUA) .