The executive vice president of CRUCH, the rector Aldo Valle, said that he hopes that the incorporation of the university authority "marks a milestone in the history of the Council of Rectors and that of the University of Los Andes."
For his part, Rector Guzmán said that joining the Council of Rectors "is a very clear way of demonstrating our commitment to Chile, our interest in helping from the University of Los Andes to make the country better."
Starting this Monday, the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) will have 30 members, after the incorporation of José Antonio Guzmán, rector of the University of Los Andes, to this collegiate body.
"We hope this marks a milestone in the history of the Council of Rectors and that of the University of Los Andes," said the executive vice president of CRUCH, the rector of the University of Valparaíso, Aldo Valle, after meeting with the rector Guzmán and some of the members of the Executive Committee of the Council: Ennio Vivaldi, rector of the University of Chile and president of the Consortium of State Universities of Chile (CUECH); Patricio Sanhueza, rector of the U. de Playa Ancha and president of the Grouping of Regional Universities (AUR), and Jorge Tabilo, rector of the U. Católica del Norte and president of the Network of Non-State Public Universities - G9.
The meeting was also attended by the executive secretary of CRUCH, María Elena González; the academic vice-rector of the University of Los Andes, José Miguel Simian, and the secretary general of the university, Pilar Ureta.
Rector Valle recalled that “we are facing a fact that should have waited for the modification of the law, since the Council of Rectors had legally determined the number of institutions that made it up. Fortunately, Law No. 21,091 established a procedure and requirements that universities must meet to join the Council ”.
For his part, the rector Guzmán stated that “we are very happy about this step that we wanted to happen for a long time, because it is a very clear way of demonstrating our commitment to Chile, our interest in helping from the U. de Los Andes so that the country is better, through education, research and networks with the rest of the rectors ”.
Incorporation to CRUCH
El proceso de ingreso del rector Guzmán al CRUCH partió el 5 de noviembre de 2018, cuando la Universidad de Los Andes formalizó su solicitud de ingreso al Consejo de Rectores. La petición fue evaluada por una comisión de rectores, que acreditó que la casa de estudios cumple con los requisitos exigidos por la Ley N° 21.091 sobre Educación Superior para ingresar al Consejo. De esta manera, en la sesión del 27 de junio de 2019, el pleno por unanimidad se pronunció a favor de su incorporación y remitió un informe favorable al Ministerio de Educación.
Posteriormente, mediante el Decreto 250 de fecha 19 de agosto de 2019, suscrito por el Presidente de la República, se incorporó formalmente al rector de la U. de Los Andes al CRUCH. En tanto, la Contraloría General de la República tomó razón del documento el pasado 3 de diciembre, siendo publicado en el Diario Oficial el 10 de diciembre.
It should be noted that, according to article 6 of Law 21,091, the universities recognized by the State may request the incorporation of their rectors to the CRUCH, provided that they comply with the requirements stipulated in that regulation. In this context, in March of this year the rectors of the U. Diego Portales, Carlos Peña, and of the U. Alberto Hurtado, Eduardo Silva joined the Council.
Guzmán's career
José Antonio Guzmán is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, a master's degree in Education from Harvard University and a doctorate on the subject from the University of Pennsylvania, United States.
He assumed as rector of the Universidad de los Andes in January 2014 and was re-elected in 2019 for a second five-year term. He joined the institution in 1991 as a professor at the Faculty of Law and since then, he has assumed various responsibilities as a member of the Superior Council, advisor to the Permanent Commission and academic vice-rector.