La definición se tomó de manera conjunta entre el CRUCH, DEMRE y el MINEDUC, velando por los requerimientos del proceso de admisión y matrícula y que los y las estudiantes cuenten con todas las garantías de seguridad y tranquilidad
Today the Council of Rectors, the Undersecretariat of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registration (DEMRE) of the University of Chile met, with the purpose of evaluating a modification of the dates of rendering of the University Selection Tests (PSU), as reported last week.
Taking into consideration the requirements of the admission and enrollment process for the year 2020, but especially that students have all the guarantees of security and tranquility they need when taking the tests and that they can do so in the best conditions, we inform that as a whole the decision was adopted to postpone the rendering of the evidence to Monday, December 2 and Tuesday, December 3, 2019.