The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, said that "we hope that we can advance in a proposal that corrects and provides a solution to the difficulties that this has generated for the universities."
The announcement was made after the monthly meeting of the rectors, on which occasion the CRUCH spoke in favor of the incorporation of the University of Los Andes to this collegiate body.
"We believe that this is the best message we can give to the country and to the students," said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), rector Aldo Valle, who reported that, in conjunction with the Division of Higher Education (DIVESUP) of the Ministry of Education, will form a work table to address the problems of Gratuity.
Valle made this announcement accompanied by the head of DIVESUP, Juan Eduardo Vargas, in the framework of the Council's 605th session, which took place this Thursday at the University of La Frontera, in Temuco. This, after the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic ruled that those who obtained the Gratuity during 2016, 2017, and 2018, article 108 of Law 21.091 of Higher Education is not applicable, which regulates the situation of loss of benefit for exceeding the formal duration of the races.
The executive vice president of CRUCH appreciated the opinion of the controlling body. "We always maintained that it was not authorized to apply that article and the Comptroller's Office has ruled that the application that is being made for this year clearly has a retroactive effect not authorized by the legal system," he said.
In this context, Valle added that “we have agreed to form a joint working group to find a solution. Of course we are concerned that this could affect the students and we do not want this to happen ”. Rector Valle said that "we believe there is an error, but the Government has the tools to correct it."
Incorporation of the U. de Los Andes
In this session, the rectors unanimously pronounced themselves in favor of the incorporation to the CRUCH of the rector of the University of Los Andes (UAndes), José Antonio Guzmán. This, after approving the report of the evaluation commission that accredited that the house of studies complies with the requirements to enter the Council.
In this regard, the rector Valle said that "the law requires the Council to verify compliance with various requirements of a different nature, which in many cases require additional information that had to be requested from the institution."
In accordance with Article 6 of Law 21.091 on Higher Education, universities recognized by the State may request the incorporation of their rectors to the CRUCH, provided that they comply with the requirements stipulated in that regulation. The law also establishes that the incorporation to the Council will be carried out by means of a Supreme Decree of the Ministry of Education, after a favorable report from the Council of Rectors, so that the incorporation of the UAndes will take place once the MINEDUC decides on the matter.
Special commission for curricular change
On the other hand, Aldo Valle referred to the CRUCH proposals on the curricular change for III and IV Middle. In this area, he argued that "it seems to us a setback that the solution that was given to make compatible the time distributions of the common mandatory plan for Technical-Professional and Scientific-Humanist education, was that History and Physical Education passed to the elective plan."
The executive vice president assured that "it seems to us that there should be another solution, but we agreed to review the curricular bases, which were published last week." The objective of the review will be “to seek ways of proposing the articulation of the curricular structure, understanding that the Executive has the initiative here to weigh the opportunity, the relevance and the plausibility of modifying the agreements sanctioned by the National Council of Education (CNED) ”.
For this task, the CRUCH will form a commission made up of rectors and the president of the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Education of the National Council of Rectors (CONFAUCE), the dean of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University Lorena Medina.
CRUCH Biobío - Ñuble
Another of the milestones of this session was the constitution of the Council of Rectors of Biobío - Ñuble, which groups together the University of Bío-Bío (UBB), the University of Concepción (UdeC), the Catholic University of La Santísima Concepción (UCSC) and the Federico Santa María Technical University (USM), with a presence in the area. The agreement, which seeks to promote inter-institutional collaboration, was signed by the rectors of the respective houses of study: Mauricio Cataldo (UBB), Carlos Saavedra (UdeC), Christian Schmitz (UCSC) and Darcy Fuenzalida (USM).
Regarding this initiative, Rector Schmitz said that “in current times this link is necessary, because the individual floor of the houses of study is often insufficient to tackle large-scale projects and the challenges we face as universities and as institutions. that promote the common good ”.
En el encuentro, también estuvo presente la ministra del Deporte, Pauline Kantor, quien expuso ante los rectores objetivos de la política nacional del deporte. Además, invitó al CRUCH a integrar una mesa de trabajo en este ámbito y a suscribir un convenio con la cartera, lo que será revisado por el Consejo. Por su parte, el jefe de la DIVESUP presentó a la nueva jefa de Área de Universidades de la división ministerial, Camila Cortez.