Although the CRUCH values that there is a mandatory common plan for the Scientific Humanist, Professional Technical and Artistic modalities, the rectors warned that it is a setback for History and Physical Education to pass to the optional plan.
The vice president of CRUCH, Aldo Valle, maintained that an enlightened, plural and serene deliberation is required, adding that “if we act simply by using or exercising authority, we can end up in a process that ultimately obscures the country's ability to find a most reasonable solution ”.
As scheduled, rectors and other university authorities of the Council of Rectors met this morning with the president of the National Education Council (CNED), Pedro Montt, and one of its members, professor Cecilia Sepúlveda, to analyze the consequences of the curricular change for Middle III and IV approved by this body.
The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, explained that “we invite you precisely to listen to them and ask them some questions. We also had a meeting scheduled with the National Coordinator of the Curriculum and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Education, María Jesús Honorato. We had confirmation that she was going to attend, but during the course of the morning, unfortunately we were informed that she could not attend ”.
Valle emphasized that the Council of Rectors had not made its opinion known until now, because previously “we wanted to listen to the CNED and the Ministry of Education, which are the public institutions that have carried out this process that culminated in the establishment of a new curricular structure for III and IV Middle ”.
Also present at the meeting were the rectors of the University of Playa Ancha, Patricio Sanhueza; from the Catholic University of Maule, Diego Durán; from the Universidad Católica del Norte, Jorge Tabilo; and from the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences, Jaime Espinosa. In addition, the president of the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Education of the National Council of Rectors (CONFAUCE) and dean of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University, Lorena Medina; the general director of Teaching of the Federico Santa María Technical University, Gonzalo Fuster; and the general secretary of CRUCH, María Elena González.
CRUCH position: 6 approaches
The rector Valle pointed out that, “based on the deliberations that we have had in the Council of Rectors, in the Faculties of Education of the CRUCH universities, from what we know and have heard so far, we have decided to issue a public opinion that considers six approaches ”.
In the first place, “we value that in this agreement (of the CNED) on the new curricular structure of III and IV Middle there is a mandatory common plan for the Scientific Humanist, Professional Technical and Artistic modalities. We believe that this comes to overcome a deficit of equity in the educational system that has a historical origin, ”said Valle. He described this aspect as "positive and valuable, because it is aimed at having an educational system that contributes to the social and cultural democratization of the country, so we expect a positive effect from this particular measure."
Secondly, another aspect of the CNED agreement that the CRUCH considers relevant is “greater electivity in the study plans of the different modalities, since it introduces flexibility that can contribute to relevance, greater motivation and commitment on the part of the students in the formative process; (…) A diversification of the offer that allows this flexibility, finally does good to the educational process ”, expressed the executive vice president.
A third point refers to the subjects of History and Physical Education. In this regard, Valle said that as the Council of Rectors “we want to express our disagreement with the fact that History and Physical Education have become part of the elective plan in the curriculum of III and IV Middle, we consider that this is a deficit, a setback ”.
Consequently, a fourth approach of the CRUCH is "to stop the application of this new curricular structure," said Valle. The purpose of the above, and fifth approach, "is to seek a different articulation between the new curricular bases for Middle III and IV that, unfortunately, we still do not know because they have not been published," Valle pointed out.
He added that these bases were approved and agreed by the CNED in February 2019 and that not knowing them "undermines a deliberative, transparent, open and plural process." For the same reason, in his opinion, the most reasonable thing is to stop the entry into force, the application of this new curricular structure.
Finally, the executive vice president of CRUCH called on the Government to consider the best opportunity to implement the new curricular structure. "This, to give rise to a more founded reflection, in which citizens and the entire disciplinary community, the entire educational community, have the possibility of knowing the curricular bases that have not yet been published."
De acuerdo a Valle, ponderar la oportunidad siempre es una decisión política. “Cuando hay una disposición política, cuando hay buena voluntad para acoger los argumentos que otros puedan tener para decidir un asunto de interés colectivo como este, de tanta envergadura para la educación y para el sistema cultural del país, para la formación de nuestros jóvenes, el llamado es a que nos demos un tiempo y pongamos entonces la prudencia y la responsabilidad que se necesita. Ese es el llamado que hacemos como Consejo de Rectores y vamos a apoyar a nuestras comunidades en esta demanda, en esta interpelación de modo que podamos tener una reflexión más fundada. Aquí es donde requerimos del país una deliberación ojalá lo más ilustrada posible, pero también, lo más plural y serena. Si se actúa simplemente haciendo uso o ejerciendo la autoridad, podemos terminar en un proceso que finalmente oscurezca la capacidad del país para encontrar una solución más razonable”, advirtió el vicepresidente ejecutivo del Consejo de Rectores.