The rector Aldo Valle said that in the generation of public policies for the school system "it is very important to take care of institutional procedures, so that no one is excluded."
Integrantes del Consejo de Rectores se reunirán con representantes del MINEDUC y el CNED para conocer más antecedentes sobre el nuevo currículo para III y IV Medio, así como para proponer cursos de acción que garanticen “un debate más amplio y sereno”. Además, el CRUCH participará en la sesión especial que para este efecto ha convocado el Senado.
The Council of Rectors this week will hold meetings with relevant actors of the National Council of Education (CNED) and the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), to analyze and debate about the consequences of the curricular change for the III and IV year of secondary education, which has generated controversy in the last month.
The executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, said that it is necessary to “take the time to reconcile the different views that have arisen in this public discussion and be willing to accept the different approaches, as well as make proposals that allow a broader discussion. and serene ”.
To do this, this Wednesday June 19, rectors of CRUCH will have two meetings in the morning. The first with the president of the CNED, Pedro Montt, and the counselor of the same organization, Cecilia Sepúlveda; and the second meeting with the National Coordinator of the Curriculum and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Education, María Jesús Honorato.
“In addition to learning more about the curricular change, at the meeting we want to make a call to listen to the academic and disciplinary communities. It is very important to take care of the institutional procedures, so that no one is excluded ”, said the rector Valle.
It should be remembered that on May 15, the CNED approved the curricular change proposed by the MINEDUC as part of the study plan, which defines a new structure in the number of compulsory and optional subjects and, among other aspects, establishes that the subjects of History and Physical Education are electives for said high school courses. The measure would be implemented from 2020.
Senate special session
On the other hand, the Senate summoned the CRUCH to participate in a special session this Tuesday, June 18, with the aim of addressing the curricular changes proposed by the CNED.
Representing the Council of Rectors, the rector of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences, Jaime Espinosa, and the president of the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Education of the National Council of Rectors (CONFAUCE) and dean of Education of the Pontifical will attend. Catholic University, Lorena Medina. The president of CONFAUCE will present the main agreements, comments and contributions of the Faculties of Education of the universities of the Council of Rectors.
The session will take place in the Senate room in Valparaíso, between 12:00 and 14:00.