The authority referred to the deficits generated in the universities by the Gratuity policy, stating that "we have asked the Minister of Education to have a dialogue with the Council and the response has been negative."
Regarding the curricular changes approved by the National Council of Education, the rector Aldo Valle stressed that although it is an advance to unify the curricula of the Technical-Professional and Scientific-Humanist modalities, “we do not agree to eliminate History from the plan required".
In the framework of the monthly session of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) the differences that the rectors have had with the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) regarding the Gratuity policy, regulated by Law No. 21,091 of Higher education.
“What we do not share with the current government is that despite its criticism of the design of Gratuity, it does nothing to change it. There is a contradiction that we do not understand and that no one has explained to us, ”rector Valle said.
The executive vice president of CRUCH stated that "we have asked the Minister of Education to have a dialogue with the Council regarding the problems of Gratuity and the response has been negative." He added that "the Council of Rectors made a presentation to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic and we are awaiting a response."
According to the consolidated enrollment during the first days of April, there were about 11 thousand students enrolled in CRUCH universities who had lost their free admission, which means a deficit for the institutions of approximately 15 billion pesos.
“The affected students can only pay the 50%, according to the instructions and interpretations of the law that the government has made. These students have to re-certify that they are poor, that they do not have resources and it will depend on the answer given by the (MINEDUC) to see if they will have additional benefits to cover the debts that they began to incur as a result of the rules on Gratuity ", Valle stated.
Curricular changes approved by CNED
Regarding the curricular changes approved by the National Council of Education (CNED) for the III and IV media, the rectors analyzed the impact that these changes will have on the university admission system.
The subject was dealt with in the ordinary session No. 604 of the Council, held in Concepción and which, for the first time, was organized jointly by the three universities present in the area: Catholic University of Santísima Concepción, Universidad del Bío-Bío and University of Concepción.
On the occasion, the executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle, said that "unfortunately Chile has come to have the most segregated educational system of the OECD countries, which is a shame that we have to correct."
In this context, he affirmed that “it is an advance to unify the curricula of the compulsory subjects for the Technical-Professional and Scientific-Humanist modalities, from the point of view of having a system with less asymmetries and segregation; but we do not agree to remove History from the mandatory plan ”.
Valle said that the CRUCH will make a proposal in this area, since to the extent that these changes produce effects, the University Selection Tests (PSU) have to collect them, "because it cannot be that the students will find surprises at the same time. time to render the PSU ”.
The rector of the University of Valparaíso added that “our effort is to have an admission system that has to take charge, among other things, of a very unequal and heterogeneous educational system. Now, not everything can be done from the educational system, but there must also be changes in public policy. Not everything can be solved by modifying the PSUs ”.
Valle recalled that in April the CRUCH approved a work agenda of five measures for the short and medium term, to introduce improvements in the university admission system and in the PSUs. It includes, among other actions, incorporating a writing measurement in future admission processes; study a proposal to improve the PSU of Mathematics; and to entrust the Committee of Experts of the Single Admission System (SUA) with a specific proposal of instruments for the admission of those who come from technical-professional training, as well as instruments that raise the fairness standards of the system.
The CRUCH session was also attended by Lorena Medina, dean of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University and president of the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Education of the National Council of Rectors (CONFAUCE), who spoke about the implementation of Law 20.903, which creates the Teacher Professional Development System, in relation to the new entrance requirements for Pedagogy careers.