Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23, the CRUCH Single Admission System will develop the Seminar "University Admission and Selection in Chile: How to respond to the requirements and diversity of talents of young people of the 21st century?" It will include the participation of rectors, academic authorities and researchers.
The activity will also review the proposals of its Committee of Experts on changes to the PSU, resolved by the Council of Rectors last week.
On Tuesday, April 23 and Wednesday, April 24, the Seminar "University Admission and Selection in Chile: How to respond to the requirements and diversity of talents of young people of the 21st century?", Organized by the Single Admission System (SUA) of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) and which will take place at the Santiago Headquarters of the University of Los Lagos.
The instance seeks to share experiences of academic institutions in areas related to the measurement of skills, admission instruments to higher education and initiatives that promote equity in these processes, in addition to identifying the challenges and opportunities that the implementation of the Access System will imply, within the framework of Law No. 21,091 on Higher Education.
On the first day of the activity -which will be inaugurated by the executive vice president of CRUCH, rector Aldo Valle-, the panel "Skills in the 21st century: Challenges for admission to university higher education" will be held, in which Carmen will intervene Norambuena, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Santiago de Chile; María Ignacia Aybar, executive director of the Fundación 99 Educational Bridges Program, and Hernán Araneda, Development Manager of Fundación Chile. These professionals will discuss the competencies that future professionals will require and the profile of new applicants to higher education, with the challenges they imply for universities.
Subsequently, the panel "Admission and equity: Learning and challenges in Universities" will take place, which will address experiences of various houses of study in programs in this area. They will participate in this block Aliro Bórquez, rector of the Catholic University of Temuco; Juan Agustín Larraín, academic vice-rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; José Maripani, academic vice-rector of the University of Magallanes, and Leonor Armanet, director of the Undergraduate Department of the University of Chile.
Proposals of the Access Committee for the PSU
The second day will begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday, April 24 with the panel "National experiences and innovations in evaluation", which will include the intervention of Enrique Hinostroza, director of the Institute of Educational Informatics of the University of the Border (UFRO ); Juan Bravo, executive secretary (s) of the Agency for the Quality of Education, and Natalia Ávila, academic at the Pontificia Universidad Católica and member of the Initiatives of Reading and Writing in Higher Education in Latin America (ILEES).
This block will address the experience of the Quality Agency in the application of the tests of the Education Quality Measurement System (SIMCE) and of the UFRO in the application of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) . In addition, experiences in writing evaluations will be reviewed, in line with the decision of the Council of Rectors to incorporate a measurement in this area for future admission processes.
The seminar will close with the presentation of the 2019 Report of the SUA Committee of Experts, which gives an account of the evaluation of proposals for changes to the University Selection Tests (PSU), for which the Council of Rectors defined a course of action last week. This seminar panel will include the participation of the five professionals that make up said Committee: Dr. Rebecca Zwick, researcher in Educational Evaluation and Psychometrics, from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of the United States; Alejandra Mizala, from the Center for Advanced Research in Education of the University of Chile; Salomé Martínez, from the Center for Mathematical Modeling of the University of Chile; María Verónica Santelices, academic and researcher at the Faculty of Education of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and José Luis Saiz, professor in the Department of Psychology at UFRO.
It should be remembered that the change agenda approved by CRUCH also includes studying a proposal to improve the PSU of Mathematics; that the Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration (DEMRE) report to higher education institutions more specific information on the performance of students in each of the areas included in the PSU of Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) ; commission an investigation into the uses and purposes of the USP, which helps to make explicit the intended and unintended uses of the scores; and entrust the Committee of Experts with a specific proposal of instruments for the admission of those who come from technical-professional training, as well as instruments that raise the fairness standards of the system.
The seminar will take place at the Santiago Headquarters of the University of Los Lagos, located in República 517, Santiago.
*Programa disponible acá: Seminario “Admisión y Selección Universitaria en Chile: ¿Cómo dar respuesta a los requerimientos y diversidad de talentos de los y las jóvenes del siglo XXI?”