The rector Aldo Valle announced that the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities will send a proposal to the Minister of Education to address the situation of students who will lose Gratuity for exceeding the formal duration of their careers.
The Council's proposal will seek to "avoid the impairment that, until now, the application of Law 21.091 has for institutions, students and their families."
"There is a social problem due to a defective design of Gratuity and we have before us students, families, who at the end of their careers are going to find this difficulty," said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities ( CRUCH), who announced that they will send to the Ministry of Education a proposal to address the situation of students who will lose this benefit.
The CRUCH authority announced this action after the plenary session of the Council, held this Thursday, March 28, at the former National Congress in Santiago.
“We are indeed going to work on a proposal, we have a letter that we are going to address to the Minister of Education. We argue in the sense that the door cannot be closed to social problems, we must assume them, analyze them, evaluate them and dialogue with those who can effectively contribute to better solutions and we understand that in this case, the first interlocutor is the government, "he said. Valle, rector of the University of Valparaíso.
The executive vice president of CRUCH explained that the proposal seeks to “avoid the impairment that, until now, the application of Law 21.091 has for institutions and, of course, students and their families. This means that, among other things, we look at how universities may not see their income diminished as a result of a rule that is being applied with a retroactive effect ”.
Valle also reiterated the Council's willingness to dialogue to solve this situation in a timely manner.
Changes to the PSU
In addition to evaluating the effects of the loss of Gratuity, the CRUCH defined that it will review the recommendations of the Expert Committee of the Single Admission System (SUA) regarding modifications in the University Selection Test (PSU) in an extraordinary session that it will organize during the first half of April.
“Surely there are going to be recommendations. Several of these proposals involve changes, processes that will take a while to define more specifically (…) and the signal that we want to send to public opinion and to the debate that exists in this regard is that the recommendations of the Committee of Experts are in the process of being deliberation and for agreement of the Council of Rectors ”, affirmed Aldo Valle.
On the other hand, in the plenary session on Thursday, the Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Andrés Couve, was present, who spoke about the main guidelines for the installation of the portfolio. In this area, the Secretary of State explained that the ministry is advancing in three lines of work: institutionality, political and citizen relevance, and the strengthening of the science, technology and innovation system.
In this session, the rectors of the Diego Portales University (UDP), Carlos Peña, and Eduardo Silva, of the Alberto Hurtado University (UAH), participated for the first time, who this year joined the CRUCH.