The executive vice president, rector Aldo Valle, led a meeting this Thursday, March 21 with the rectors Carlos Peña and Eduardo Silva.
The two new rectors will participate for the first time in the monthly CRUCH session, which will take place next Thursday, March 28 in Santiago.
"For us it is an occasion that has a historical character," said Aldo Valle, executive vice president of the Council of Rectors of the Chilean Universities (CRUCH), regarding the incorporation of the rectors of the universities Diego Portales (UDP), Carlos Peña, and Alberto Hurtado (UAH), Eduardo Silva.
Valle explained that "by virtue of the higher education reform, the Council now has a composition that is not closed, it is not predetermined by Law 21,091, but rather that various institutions, complying with the requirements established by the norm, can be integrated." In addition, he stressed that the rectors Peña and Silva represent "two institutions that have had an outstanding development, that have made and are making a contribution to the country's higher education system, which the Council of Rectors values."
For his part, Rector Peña stated that "it seems to me that both the incorporation of the UDP and the UAH have particularity and virtue, it helps the Council of Rectors to faithfully reflect the heterogeneity of the university system in Chile." Likewise, Rector Silva stated that "with this step there is a possibility of enriching a very legitimate tradition such as the Council" and added that with this milestone they will participate in "a dialogue that precedes us and we are very happy to contribute with our university experience. ”.
The purpose of the meeting, held this Thursday, March 21, was to discuss the operation of the Council, its scope and different instances of internal work, prior to the plenary session that will be held on March 28 at the former National Congress, in Santiago.
The meeting, which lasted for about 2 hours, was also attended by the rector of the University of Playa Ancha and a member of the Executive Committee, Patricio Sanhueza, and the general secretary of CRUCH, María Elena González.
Incorporation to CRUCH
The Diego Portales and Alberto Hurtado universities requested in August 2018 to join the CRUCH. The applications were reviewed by an evaluation commission that confirmed that both institutions met the requirements for accessing the Council. This collegiate body ruled in favor of the incorporation of both houses of studies and sent their respective report to the Ministry of Education.
Mediante el Decreto 373 de fecha 19 de noviembre de 2018, suscrito por el Presidente de la República, se incorporó formalmente a los rectores de la UDP y la UAH al CRUCH. En tanto, la Contraloría General de la República tomó razón del documento el 12 de febrero de 2019. De esta forma, los rectores Peña y Silva participarán la próxima semana por primera vez en la sesión mensual del CRUCH, que se desarrollará en la sede de Santiago de la Cámara de Diputados, en el ex Congreso Nacional.
It should be remembered that the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities, CRUCH, by legal mandate, is responsible for advising and formulating proposals to the Ministry of Education in public policies in matters of higher education; It is also responsible for coordinating the institutions that comprise it, promoting collaboration between them. Regarding the incorporation of new universities, article 6 of Law 21.091 on Higher Education, provides that universities recognized by the State may request the incorporation of their rectors to the CRUCH, provided that the respective institution complies with the requirements that the same provision notes.
The law also establishes that the incorporation to the Council will be carried out by means of a Supreme Decree of the Ministry of Education, after a favorable report from the Council of Rectors.