For this 2019 Admission Process, a total of 211 national and maximum scores were registered in the University Selection Tests (PSU) among those who graduated from the fourth year this year.
“In this 2019 Admission Process there are some national scores that we want to highlight very especially, because they represent outstanding achievements. On this occasion, there are 14 students who obtained the maximum of 850 points and self-reported belonging to some original group. Another important result is that five students of foreign nationality obtained national scores and, among them, there is a person who comes from a Technical Professional establishment and at the same time participates in the Program of Accompaniment and Effective Access to Higher Education (PACE). We also want to highlight that from the PACE Program there are 4 other fourth-year graduates who this year obtained a national score and, two of them, obtained the Scholarship for Academic Excellence (BEA). This scholarship is aimed at the 10% of the best fourth year graduates from municipal establishments, subsidized individuals, delegated administration and Local Public Education Services. A total of 18 students with a Scholarship for Academic Excellence obtained a national score ”, said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors, Aldo Valle.
“Como Consejo de Rectores nos complace felicitar a los y las estudiantes que han alcanzado estos resultados, también a quienes obtuvieron los más altos puntajes en sus respectivas regiones y a los 120 estudiantes que obtuvieron el “Reconocimiento al Mérito Académico”. Sin duda, estos logros son el reflejo de una trayectoria académica caracterizada por la dedicación, esfuerzo y perseverancia. Junto con desearles el mayor de los éxitos en las etapas que se avecinan, esperamos que sigan avanzando hacia las metas que se han trazado”, agregó el rector Valle.
General characterization of national scores
Para este Proceso de Admisión 2019 se registraron un total de 211 puntajes nacionales y máximos en las Pruebas de Selección Universitaria (PSU) entre quienes egresaron de cuarto medio este año. Este total corresponde a 209 personas, ya que dos de ellas, además de tener puntaje nacional tienen el mejor promedio en las dos pruebas obligatorias.
Of the total national scores, 199 correspond to the Mathematics test, 2 to Language and Communication, 6 to History, Geography and Social Sciences, 2 to Sciences and 2 to the best average of the compulsory PSUs. Considering the distribution by test and sex, the 2 national scores of the PSU of Language this year correspond to women; In the Mathematics test, 159 scores were from men and 40 from women; in the History test, 2 are for women and 4 for men; and on the Science test, the 2 scores are for men.
Regarding the dependence of the discharge establishment, compared to the previous year, the percentage of scores of paid private establishments decreased (from 75% to 73%), the participation of subsidized individuals increased (from 14% to 16%) and the percentage was maintained. of municipal establishments (11%).
National scores by regions
The highest concentration of scores was observed in the Metropolitan region, with a total of 127 scores (33 women and 94 men). It is followed by the Los Lagos region with 17 (2 women and 15 men); the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins region with 11 (2 women and 11 men); the Valparaíso region with 10 (1 woman and 9 men); the Bío Bío region with 9 (2 women and 7 men); that of Maule also with 9 (only men); that of Coquimbo with 7 (2 women and 5 men); from La Araucanía with 7 (only men); from Atacama with 4 (only men); de Ñuble with 3 (only men); from Antofagasta with 2 (only men); from Tarapacá with 2 (1 man and 1 woman); from Los Ríos with 1 (woman); and of Magellan with 1 (man). In the Region of Arica and Parinacota there are no National Scores this year.
Recognition Ceremonies and Host Universities
Como todos los años, las universidades del Consejo de Rectores realizarán una ceremonia de reconocimiento a aquellos estudiantes que obtuvieron resultados destacados, es decir, puntajes nacionales, puntajes regionales y, también, “Reconocimiento al Mérito Académico de Estudiantes”.
This last distinction, which will be awarded for the third time this year, aims to highlight the effort and trajectory of students in each region of Chile, considering their particular educational and social environments. The "Academic Merit" recognizes students of the promotion of the year who have obtained a Ranking Score of 850 and the best average scores in the mandatory PSUs (Language and Communication, and Mathematics), disaggregated by region, sex and dependence of the graduation establishment (municipal, subsidized individual, paid individual and Local Public Education Service, SLE, when applicable).
This means that six students will be distinguished from the Scientific Humanist modality and one from Technical Professional establishments in each region. Additionally, in the regions of Atacama, Coquimbo, La Araucanía and Metropolitana, two more students from the Local Public Education Services will be recognized.
En total, serán 120 estudiantes en todo el país.Esta ceremonia de distinción del Consejo de Rectores a estudiantes con mejores resultados en este Proceso de Admisión 2019 se efectuará simultáneamente el próximo jueves 27 de diciembre durante la mañana en cada una de las regiones de Chile donde están emplazadas las universidades del CRUCH.
The host universities will be Tarapacá, Arturo Prat, Antofagasta, Atacama, La Serena, Playa Ancha, Tecnológica Metropolitana, O'Higgins, Talca, Católica de la Santísima Concepción, La Frontera, Austral de Chile, Los Lagos, Aysén and of Magellan.
Finally, it should be noted that this year for the first time there will be a recognition ceremony in the newly created Ñuble Region. It will take place in Chillán and the host institution will be the Universidad del Bío Bío.