On the occasion of the announcement of the forthcoming start of the enrollment stage at the PSU, the executive vice president of CRUCH, the head of DIVESUP and the vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the University of Chile, referred to the most important aspects of the Admission Process 2019 and, also, to the challenges of the creation of the Access System contemplated in the Higher Education Law published on May 29.
The registration period to take the PSU will be between Monday, June 4 and Friday, August 3.
With the publication of the official documents "Rules, Registration and Important Aspects of the Admission Process" and, "Preliminary List of Careers and Weightings", the executive vice president of CRUCH, together with the head of the Higher Education Division, Juan Eduardo Vargas; and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Chile, Rosa Devés, formally began the Enrollment Stage for the PSU (University Selection Tests) for the 2019 Admission Process.
The information contained in both documents, which are available in digital format on the website of the Single Admission System (SUA) and the Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration (DEMRE) of the University of Chile, is essential for students and the students “are duly informed to face each of the stages of the process. Also, so that they are aware of their rights and duties before enrolling in the PSU ”, highlighted the rector Aldo Valle.
Registration to the PSU will begin next Monday, June 4 and will run until Friday, August 3, so there will be a period of more than 2 months (61 days) to register online through the DEMRE website. (www.demre.cl). The value of the PSU registration this year is $31,760.
The vice-chancellor of the University of Chile pointed out that the students belonging to the promotion of the year of municipal establishments and subsidized individuals can access the PSU Scholarship granted by JUNAEB (National Board of School Aid and Scholarships).
Challenges of the future Access System
The executive vice president of CRUCH referred to the recent publication of the Higher Education Law that, among other aspects, establishes the creation of an Access System that will be located in the future Undersecretary of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education.
“For this reason, we have wanted to link up with the Mineduc now and that is why we have asked the head of DIVESUP to accompany us at the beginning of this process because the purpose is to work together from now on so that there is no risk that This change that will be made by virtue of the Law that has come into force may generate some uncertainty. The truth is that for the moment it is very important to give the message that the 2019 Admission Process is going to be maintained in the conditions that it is currently in, ”said Valle.
For his part, Juan Eduardo Vargas revealed that “we are very happy to be part of this process in which about 300 thousand young people participate and I want to highlight especially the number of universities that participate, 27 from CRUCH and 14 private, which is undoubtedly the strongest indicator regarding the seriousness of this process ”.
In order to meet the deadlines considered in the Law, Vargas added that "it seems extremely relevant to us to start a joint work with the Council of Rectors for Admission 2021". He also argued that "although as a Ministry we understand that the tests are dynamic in themselves and should be subject to review, but that must be done in a context and with due prudence and above all with due anticipation and notice."
The head of DIVESUP added that "there is, moreover, an institution that is in charge of the administration of this process today and that it must obviously be the one that leads these eventual revisions and changes to the PSU."
Finally, Vargas said that he has a great challenge ahead of him, because “it is not easy to go through a whole history of an admission system to the Undersecretariat and also build a sub-system for the Professional Technical field, which does not exist today. From that point of view, it is quite a challenging task, but I trust that I will have the full support of the Council of Rectors and of the people who should make up the expert sub-committees ”.
Admission News 2019
From this Admission Process 2019, the adjustment to the transformation scale of Secondary Education Notes (NEM) that the CRUCH announced at the beginning of last year will begin.
The scale will be progressively adjusted over 5 years, from the 2019 Admission Process to 2023, so that it is equivalent to that of the PSU, which is 150 points at its lower limit and 850 points at the upper limit. The tables consider the following three groups of students: Scientific Teaching - Day Humanist, Scientific Teaching - Adult Humanist and Technical - Professional Secondary Education. They are published on the SUA and DEMRE websites.
Another novelty of this process is that as of this year 2 new universities were incorporated into the Single Admission System: the Academia de Humanismo Cristiano University and the Bernardo O'Higgins University.
Other relevant dates
It should be remembered that the dates of surrender of the PSU are Monday, November 26 and Tuesday, November 27 of this year and, the recognition of rooms, on Sunday 25.
Meanwhile, the results of the PSU will be published on December 26 at 8:00 a.m. and at 9:00 a.m. that same day until December 30, you can apply to any of the 41 universities that participate in the SUA. That is, there will be 5 days to apply. The results of the selection will be announced on January 14, 2019 at 11:00 p.m., after which the first and second stage of enrollment will begin, from January 15 to 24 of next year.
The other relevant dates of the process are available in the 2019 Admission Process Calendar, on the SUA website and also on the DEMRE website.