At the meeting, the rectors conveyed their concerns to the highest education authorities about the effects that are generated with the entry into force of the Higher Education Reform.
This morning the first meeting of the Council of Rectors was held with the new authorities of the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC).
In this first approach, the Minister of Education, Gerardo Varela; the Undersecretary of Education, Raúl Figueroa and the head of DIVESUP, Juan Eduardo Vargas. From the Council of Rectors, meanwhile, the members of its executive committee participated, Aldo Valle, executive vice president of CRUCH; Sergio Lavanchy, Alternate Executive Vice President of CRUCH and rector of the University of Concepción; Darcy Fuenzalida, rector of the Federico Santa María Technical University; Ennio Vivaldi, rector of the University of Chile; Patricio Sanhueza, rector of the University of Playa Ancha and María Isabel Munita, general secretary of CRUCH.
Aldo Valle, Executive Vice President of CRUCH, said that it was a very friendly meeting, with great welcome from the new education authorities, “we positively evaluate this meeting, we certainly remain in the common purpose of cooperating and working together, therefore , all the participating rectors believe that it was a very timely meeting, with great welcome and that clearly leaves us the impression of a joint effort, which will undoubtedly do good to public policy and, of course, to the tasks assumed by the authorities and also certainly, to the work of the universities that make up the Council of Rectors ”, said Valle.
In the meeting that lasted for almost two hours, the CRUCH representatives raised their concerns with the authorities regarding higher education, “we raised some issues, regarding the work of the Council of Rectors, but also about some of the effects of the public policy regarding financing, and of course the effects that arise on the university system and the Council of Rectors in particular with the entry into force of the Higher Education Reform ”, stated the authority of the CRUCH.
Finally, on the occasion, the rectors invited Minister Gerardo Varela to participate in the next session of the Council of Rectors to be held on March 29 at the University of Chile.