La autoridad del Consejo de Rectores abordó la indicación al Proyecto de Reforma a la Educación Superior aprobado por la Comisión de Educación de la Cámara de Diputados y que amplía la composición del órgano colegiado. El pleno del CRUCH analizará en su próxima sesión los alcances de esta propuesta.
"The approval of a parliamentary indication that establishes requirements so that other universities can join the Council of Rectors, is the best evidence that the current composition of the same, is not the responsibility of the rectors that make it up, but it corresponds to the legislation to establish the procedures and conditions that enable an institution to integrate. This is so, precisely, because the CRUCH is a public body, created by virtue of the law, and the modification of its composition depends on a legislative act ”, said the executive vice president of the Council of Rectors, Aldo Valle, in reference to the indication of the Higher Education Reform Project approved yesterday by the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
Regarding this indication, the rector Valle reported that “the Executive Committee of CRUCH evaluated this possibility in the session of last Monday, June 12, and agreed to incorporate its discussion in the plenary session at the end of this month, which will take place in Antofagasta. Now we will do it with more reason, after knowing this indication ”.
In the next session No. 585 of the CRUCH, which will be organized by the University of Antofagasta on Thursday, June 29, “we will analyze the content and scope of the aforementioned parliamentary indication, and on the basis of that evaluation I will make known, in my capacity as vice president, the opinion of the Council of Rectors ”, announced the rector Aldo Valle.