El vicepresidente ejecutivo del CRUCH, Aldo Valle, sostuvo que prontamente se tomará contacto con la institución para que se incorpore al SUA y pueda participar en el Proceso de Admisión 2018.
"The Council of Rectors will give full and timely compliance to the ruling of the Supreme Court, which welcomes the protection appeal presented by the Central University, which will allow it to join the Single Admission System," said the Executive Vice President of CRUCH, Rector Aldo Valle .
Valle announced that in the next few days "we will proceed to establish contact with the Central University to begin the process of induction and incorporation into the Single Admission System, so that it can participate in the 2018 Admission Process."
To date, the SUA is made up of the 27 CRUCH universities and 11 attached private institutions. With the incorporation of the Central University, it would be a total of 39 universities.