There are a total of 79,865 vacancies in the 33 universities of the Single Admission System.
The official document "Payroll of Careers, Vacancies and Weightings" can be downloaded from: www.sua-cruch.cl and www.demre.cl.
A total of 79,865 vacancies will be offered by the 25 universities of the Council of Rectors and the 8 private affiliated that make up the Single Admission System (SUA) for the 2016 Admission Process, which represents an increase of 2,75% in the total of system vacancies, compared to last year (77,727 vacancies).
If the universities of the Council of Rectors are considered, the increase in vacancies reaches 2,13%, that is, in the 2016 Admission Process the 25 universities will offer a total of 56,526 vacancies, while in the previous admission process they offered 55,345.
On the other hand, in the 8 universities attached to the SUA (U. Diego Portales, U. Mayor, U. Finis Terrae, U. Andrés Bello, U. Adolfo Ibáñez, U. de Los Andes, U. del Desarrollo and U. Alberto Hurtado), there is an increase of 4.3% in the total of vacancies. This implies that they will offer a total of 23,339 vacancies and last year they offered 22,382.
The official document "Payroll of Careers, Vacancies and Weightings" of the 2016 Admission Process - which expands on what was published last June - is available as of today in digital format on the website of the Single Admission System of the Council of Rectors and also in that of DEMRE (Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registry of the University of Chile).
It should be remembered that next Monday, September 28, the extraordinary period of inscription to the PSU ends. Meanwhile, the surrender of the test will be on November 30 and December 1, while the results will be delivered on Sunday, December 27 at 8:00 in the morning. At 9:00 in the morning of that same day, the application stage begins, which will run until Thursday, December 31 at 1:00 p.m. The results of the applications will be announced on Sunday, January 10, and the enrollment period will run between Monday, January 11 and Wednesday, January 20, 2016.