The test models for each of the tests that make up the battery of the University Selection Test (PSU) are available for applicants to exercise.
The answers for the tests will be published on the website of the Single Admission System (http://sistemadeadmision.consejoderectores.cl/index.php) and the Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration, DEMRE, of the University of Chile ( www.demre.cl), every Thursday from the fourth week of July, according to the following calendar: July 23, Language responses; July 30 those of Mathematics; August 6 those of History, Geography and Social Sciences; and on August 13 those corresponding to the different modules of the Science Test, that is, Sciences-Biology, Sciences-Physics, Sciences-Chemistry and Sciences-TP.
It should be remembered that the PSU corresponding to the 2016 Admission Process will be rendered on November 30 and December 1.
History, Geography and Social Sciences