Within the framework of the cycle of seminars "Teacher Training in Chile, Innovation and Networks", sponsored by CRUCH, on October 20 and 21, 2011 the International Seminar "Experiences and Proposals for Initial Teacher Training in Chile" was held. ”At the University of Bío-Bío (Concepción).
Teacher Training in Chile, Innovation and Networks
On October 20 and 21, 2011, the International Seminar "Experiences and Proposals for Initial Teacher Training in Chile" was held at the University of Bío-Bío (Concepción), within the framework of the cycle of seminars "Teacher Training in Chile, Innovation and Networks ”, sponsored by the Council of Rectors. Important international conferences were presented at the Meeting, with presentations by Dr. Manuel Albarrán (U. Bío-Bío), Professor Mika Risku (U. of Jyväskylä, Finland), Professor Justin Reid (U. Technological of Auckland, New Zealand), Dr. George Richardson (U. of Alberta, Canada), Professor Crescencio Huertas (U. Nacional de Colombia), and Dra. Eliana Rojas (U. de Connecticut, USA).
We invite you to visit the website of the cycle of meetings, which culminates with the third Seminar, in January 2012, at the University of Playa Ancha (Valparaíso). www.fordoc.cl